It was nice to read a book from the other person's perspective in the marriage. There truly are two sides to every side. I had no idea Dave had such problems going on. His stories were not that capitvating but good enough.
It was nice to read a book from the other person's perspective in the marriage. There truly are two sides to every side. I had no idea Dave had such problems going on. His stories were not that capitvating but good enough.
Road trip reads!
Book 207 of 2020
#ebook #nonfiction
#getoutofyourownway @mrdavehollis #lies #truth #evolve #relationships #ally #business
#somanygems #ihighlyreccomendthisbook
You may have read Dave‘s wife book #girlwashyourface #girlstopapologizing @mrsrachaelhollis “I‘ve learned that if you don‘t love me- heck, if you don‘t like me- then I‘m not for you. That goes for anything I create, including this book.”