Another book that is not going to win awards for stellar writing, plot, or characters, this is farcical and bizarre. However, it‘s exactly the light escapism I need this week and made me chuckle a few times, so for that, it gets a pick.
Another book that is not going to win awards for stellar writing, plot, or characters, this is farcical and bizarre. However, it‘s exactly the light escapism I need this week and made me chuckle a few times, so for that, it gets a pick.
I have to work tomorrow & have work being done at the house, which means Saturday will be spent putting things back where they belong after the contractors leave, and Sunday I have tickets to see Opera Carolina‘s performance of MacBeth, but I‘m hoping to get some reading done for #litsypartyofone #24b4Monday #mrbook1inamillion, including finishing the tagged audiobook.
What kind of idiot points a gun at the one person in the room he doesn‘t want to shoot? You shouldn‘t need a class for that.
Not as good as Gil's All Fright Diner...but still a pretty good read.
For #weirdbooks I decided to go with this one. It was a gift from someone who said it was really good, but I haven't gotten around to reading it yet, although the description is very intriguing. I mean, raccoon god of prosperity?! 😳 Has anyone read this? Should I move it up my tbr list? #somethingforsept
Finito with my bibliopicks for June!
#DivineMisfortune tackles what life would be like if one can subscribe to any god from ancient mythologies ala food delivery, to cater to your whims and wishes.
#AuntErma'sCopeBook delivers the usual hilarity and test in sanity suburban moms go through.