A rare reread for me; I first read this a little over three years ago, then this month my IRL book club chose it. I loved it the first time, and I still love it. It‘s a book full of melancholy and yearning, but I feel some hope at the end.
A rare reread for me; I first read this a little over three years ago, then this month my IRL book club chose it. I loved it the first time, and I still love it. It‘s a book full of melancholy and yearning, but I feel some hope at the end.
I picked this up after enjoying Yu‘s new book Ghost Music. I really enjoyed this quiet story of a woman finding her way toward who she is and wants to be following the sudden death of her husband.
There is a wonderful mix of realism and magical realism in this book.
Wow, this was quite the read! I'm usually not the biggest fan of #fiction but this was very well written, very interesting and unique. A story about a woman whose husband dies and she then goes on a physical and spiritual journey to find purpose. Every word counted for something and Idk, it almost felt like an experience for me too, it's hard to describe #magicalrealism #netgalley
This magical realism exploration of loneliness, isolation and depression was one of the highlights of the year for me.
There are SO many books I want to get to before the end of this year by authors of a big range of identities, this is the first one that came to mind. Next year my goals include reading a lot more translated books (UK publishing is SO arrogant and lazy about only publishing books first written in English) and I also plan to read the Quran cover to cover! So much discussion about Islam in the uk, so few non-Muslim people that have ever read it!
Very focused story of a woman coming to grips of unfulllfilled.dreams in marriage. One of the most beautifully written books I have read in a long while. Keeping to read again.
Another day; another sweaty #audiowalk. This time, I went to the aspen parkland to take advantage of the shady pathways—and got stuck behind the SLOWEST. WALKERS. EVER, spread across the whole path. It was a small slice of hell. I went back out onto a residential street when we reached the fork in the path, but they must‘ve sped up once I wasn‘t behind them anymore because we hit the fountain plaza at the same time.
This book is really unique to any other book I‘ve read. I was oddly captivated by it and didn‘t want to stop reading it even though the magical realism part of the story didn‘t exactly sit well with my brain. Still I couldn‘t wait to finish it and see what the mystery was about the fish man. I would definitely read more by this author.
When jia jia walks into the bathroom of her Beijing home to find her husband unresponsive in the bath it sparks a story of how her life changes which include new relationships, magical dreams abt fish men, art, a journey to tibet, and discovering herself and her mother/father. A unique book which i loved. Not sure if fits in the #PanAsian bracket but for now a good way to start spring #booked2020 @Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft
The joy of reading - scrambled egg and stir fried cabbage, a house that smells like goat butter and incense.
I am loving this book- another world.
I don't understand this book but I do understand this book.
I don't get it but I get it.
That's what this book made me feel!
I understood why this book was entitled as such towards the end of the book but did it make sense? It did and yet it didn't! Lol.
I would give it a 3.5 because while I didn't think I liked it, it kept me reading to the end, and only books that I like do that! One thing though, I live Jia Jia's growth in this book
My business trip essentials: books.
With my hectic travel schedule, I wouldn't know what I'd do or how I could've survive without my book stash!
I'm one of those that book shop online every week simply because in every business trip I go to, I tend to lug about 3 to 4 books with me. I'm never much of an ebook reader. My favourite time to read is while on the plane! A few hours of uninterrupted reading time.. I loveeee that!
How difficult it must have been to grow up having to constantly be strong like this.
I've been blessed with families that stick together even when things got rough. With them, I was able to pour out my heart and we would then resolve things together. I have my late dad to thank for instilling this in us!
#nowreading Braised Pork by An Yu. #asianlit #asianliterature #asianauthor #goodreadschallenge
My 10th book for the year. I'm absolutely liking the momentum I currently have! Amidst my full time job and pulling long hours in the office, my morning reading time are pure luxury!
I love this book so much! It‘s a little strange, a little magical, full of human emotion and written so simply and beautifully. A solid debut. Can‘t wait to read more from An Yu. This comes out in April.
Found an indie bookshop on my recent trip to Auckland. I spent almost an hour here and loved it!
As it is with most of my books, I loved quirky titles so I purchased Braised Pork by An Yu from Time Out Bookstore.
Have you read this book or visited this store? #bookshop #braisedpork #anyu #bookishplace
Managed one book so far on the Modern Mrs Darcy challenge!
I set my #JumpStart2020 goal at 6 books by 19th January.
I‘ve finished 3 already.
It seems I was a little conservative with my goal!!
@Clwojick @Lizpixie
“To arrive at your future, you must first travel deep into your past”
When Jai Jai finds her husband dead in the bath one morning, she also finds a sketch he did of a strange fish-man figure he saw in a dream. This figure leads Jai Jai to Tibet, as she attempts to understand what happened, not just to her husband but also to her parents. This is on the surface a very gentle novel, but one of many layers. Beautiful.
Out on general release 9th Jan
1. Braised Pork by An Yu (paperback) and The Spotted Dog (audio);
2. My first finish was Elton John‘s biography, Me;
3. Read more of my TBR mountain.
#WeekendReads @rachelsbrittain