I highly recommend this book and am so happy to see it get this recognition.
I highly recommend this book and am so happy to see it get this recognition.
“In the love of the family of God, we must become color brave, color caring, color honoring, and not color blind. We have to recognize the image of God in one another. We have to live despite, and even because of, our differences.”
This had some good information on how Christians can be leaders towards racial reconciliation, while also weaving in stories from the past and present. She definitely made me think.
A good book, an important read - I‘m interested in learning more about anti racism and it‘s important to see this from within the Christian and church arena also, for those of us who are practicing church goers. Worth a follow on social media too. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
White people do not tend to talk about race. Since we don‘t, I did not realize how many of my good willed friends would hold such different views on current events than I do. I‘m aware that I am not equipped to have healthy conversations - even with other good willed people - about race. I have set out to learn, and this is one of the books helping me to work towards having these overdue conversations.
I love this prayer before the first chapter.
Latasha Morrison points out in Be the Bridge that when racial tensions are so high both outside the church and within it, it is important that we as Christians become the leaders in Reconciliation.
Be the Bridge is a power packed guide that helps readers deepen their understanding of historical factors and present realities...