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Shabanu: Daughter of the Wind | Suzanne Fisher Staples
6 posts | 12 read | 3 to read
Shabanu, a young nomad of the Cholistan Desert, must submit to the marriage her father arranges for her, or go against centuries of tradition by defying him.
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Shabanu: Daughter of the Wind | Suzanne Fisher Staples
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Usually, books that languish on my shelves end up with a big 👎👎 from me when I do finally read it. I‘m glad this little gem bucked the trend! Published in 1989, I overlooked the fact that this was not an Own Voices book, because it was clear the author did her research and spent time in the culture she was writing about. I loved Shabanu, and esp her relationship with her family‘s 🐫 🐫🐫.

#Booked2019 #MuslimMC
#pop19 #includesawedding

BeansPage Woop woop 🙌😎💪 5y
Andrew65 Going brilliantly! 👍🙌 5y
Cinfhen Glad it was a pick because that cover has me thinking this book could have easily been a stinker. Which is why #NeverJudgeABookByItsCover 5y
alisiakae @Cinfhen so true! 5y
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Shabanu: Daughter of the Wind | Suzanne Fisher Staples
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Had a lovely sleep-in this morning 🛏 which I really needed, but it did eat into my morning reading time. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Got in just over 5 hours yesterday, and I‘m halfway through my 2nd book. We‘ll see what the day brings - a visit to the library is definitely on the list!

#24b4Monday #readathon #booksandbreakfast

Andrew65 Well done. The picture is making me hungry. 😋 5y
alisiakae @Andrew65 It‘s a rare treat! I hardly ever eat bagels anymore, but I was craving one, and I did a bagel run for my daughter yesterday. 😋 5y
quirkyreader I have a much loved copy of that book on my MountTBR. 5y
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Shabanu: Daughter of the Wind | Suzanne Fisher Staples
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I‘m trying to start a new habit of making smaller monthly TBR piles, so I have time at the end of the month to read books that have been on my shelves the longest.

This one may have been languishing on my shelves since ~2001. Which means it has moved with me 7 times. 😳

#24b4Monday #readathon #MountTBR

Freespirit Doesn't it feel good to read one that's been on the shelf for ages! Love those plants...are they paper daisies? 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I‘m glad I‘m not the only one who does that! 5y
Clare-Dragonfly Let us know how it is! That cover gave me a jolt of nostalgia, like I read this when I was a kid. The description says 2012, but you say 2001… 🤔 5y
alisiakae @Clare-Dragonfly It was first published in the late 80s, and was a Newbery Honor book in 1990! @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I wish I could remember when exactly this book came into my possession, but I think it was when I did a study abroad trip. I probably have two shelves of books I bought in the early 2000‘s and haven‘t read yet! 5y
alisiakae @Freespirit I actually don‘t know what they are! My hubby planted them. 5y
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Shabanu: Daughter of the Wind | Suzanne Fisher Staples
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Weekend readathons don‘t often work with my schedule, but we have no plans coming up, and hubby is on call, so Maya and I will be spending lot of time reading this weekend!

I have 75 pages left in Originals, and the others are my next two tentative reads, which could change at a moment‘s notice. 😃 #24b4Monday

Andrew65 George R R Martin, a great choice for a Readathon! Good luck! 😊👍 5y
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Shabanu, Daughter of the Wind | Suzanne Fisher Staples
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1. Yes
2. Yes - hot air balloon ride - I plan on doing it this summer either over the Smokies or Blue Ridge Mountains as a belated 40th bday treat to myself! Also, visiting Chichen Itza and other Mayan ruins in April, which has been on my bucket list for years!
3. ⬆️⬆️ YES - I‘m afraid of heights.
4. One of the unread books I have owned the longest. It‘s a Newbery book, and I do plan on reading it this year (I said that last year!)


wanderinglynn Oh, a hot air balloon ride over the Smokeys sounds lovely! Enjoy! And thanks for playing! 🖋 6y
Texreader Ok wow what plans. Especially being afraid of heights (me too) 6y
alisiakae @wanderinglynn We were going to do it this month, but I decided it would be nicer in warmer weather when everything has leaves again. 😃 @Texreader I try not to let my fear of heights stop my from doing things (except sky diving...zero interest there!!) I‘ve gone parasailing, and went canyoneering in Zion NP 2 years ago. The Zion adventure definitely tested my limits, I almost bailed (and couldn‘t look down as I rappelled down!) 6y
jb72 A hot air balloon ride is on my bucket list too. 6y
Gissy Wow! Please post pictures in this unique interesting adventure of hot air balloon trip. ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
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Shabanu: Daughter of the Wind | Suzanne Fisher Staples
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A belated #HumpDayPost 😃

1. My two booksleeves, which I adore!

2. Shabanu has been on my TBR shelf the longest. I should read it and give it some Litsy Love, as no other Littens have tagged it before today! It was required reading on a study abroad trip in a class I did not take...my roommate gave it to me at the time.

3. Passover Seder is coming up! No idea what‘s for dinner tonight, lol.

4. #CatsofLitsy #Booked2018

5. Sophie‘s Choice

JoScho Love the skeletons. You have great taste 😀 6y
alisiakae @JoScho Thanks! Now I want to go on a hunt for all the books on my shelves that need some #LitsyLove! 😂😂😂 I definitely have some obscure ones hanging around the house. 6y
blondie I have the donut sleeve too! I love it so much. 🙂 6y
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Chrissyreadit I loved Shabanu- I read it over twenty years ago, possibly when it came out, but kept it and had my daughter read it too. 6y
alisiakae @blondie the donut sleeve is the best! Except it makes me hungry for donuts when I use it. 🍩 😂 6y
alisiakae @Chrissyreadit That‘s about when it entered my collection, lol. In 2000. 6y
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