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Chasing Paris
Chasing Paris | Jen Carter
4 posts | 5 read | 2 to read
Amy Winthrow is shocked when her grandmother dies--not because Elizabeth Hathaway's death is unexpected but because her existence had always been hidden. Ever-inquisitive and prone to letting her imagination get the best of her, Amy embarks upon a journey with an unlikely friend to unravel the mysteries of the elusive Lizzie Hathaway. As she follows the trail of broken dreams and promises of her grandmother's life, Amy finds herself on a path of accidental self-discovery--a path that she chases all the way to Paris where Lizzie's story ends and Amy's begins.
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Chasing Paris | Jen Carter
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#IllSeeYouInParis Challenge... I have mixed feelings about Chasing Paris, overall I'd give it 3.5 stars. I've read so many Paris books in the historical fiction genre that it was nice to read one that was set in modern day although it did have brief visits to "Paris back in the day". I enjoyed the mystery and the intrigue in this book. I really liked the literary references and tie ins, and (cont in comments)...

TheHeartlandBookFairy and I mostly liked the ending. The characters lacked any serious development, the romantic relationships were juvenile at best, and there were some loose ends that were never fully tied up. Still, a pleasant break from the heavy subject of World War II Paris historical fiction. A quick, mostly light read. 3y
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Chasing Paris | Jen Carter
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This wasn't a bad book. I just found the plot a bit far fetched especially the Paris flashbacks. But that's just me, I'm a practical soul. I couldn't get into it and have other things I am more excited to read. So I skimmed it to see what happened between Will and Amy.

Chasing Paris | Jen Carter
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Realize that from the reader's perspective we know that Will is a good guy; Amy doesn't. I sure hope you emailed the professor y'all had in common and made sure Will wasn't a crazed ax murder.

Chasing Paris | Jen Carter
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I have a slight obsession with books about Paris...good ones, bad ones, old ones, new ones, fiction, nonfiction, any genre. This one is free for Kindle today on Amazon! Sounds a touch fluffy but sometimes that is just what I need...

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