@maich I'm so glad you did this! I'm really enjoying all the responses.
1️⃣Oregon, my 10th state, and the only one I chose 😊
2️⃣Silent Spring (so hard to choose!)
3️⃣The Passage Trilogy, Nevada Barr's Anna Pigeon books
4️⃣Immortal Beloved
5️⃣Buffy, Alias, Orphan Black, The Walking Dead
8️⃣Lit fic, science, social science
9️⃣General surgeon in a rural hospital
🔟Greta and Gunther, rescue German shepherd mixes who have my heart 🐶🐶
1 Montreal, Quebec, currently live in Calgary
2. The school of essential ingredients
3. Women's murder club
4. The Holiday
5. The Goldbergs
6. Adele
7. Pink
8. General fiction
9. Chapters
10. No pets right now, my two dogs are in heaven!! 8y