“A decision I made in sixth grade to violate two of the Ten Commandments nearly ended my Jewish journey.”
“A decision I made in sixth grade to violate two of the Ten Commandments nearly ended my Jewish journey.”
"“How might we approach strangers on the street, if we were convinced that we and they were God?” Bringing the experience of unity to our daily duality also has implications for how we go about our lives. “If every moment, every object, and every being is the Divine before us,” notes Rabbi James Jacobson-Maisels, “we bring a freshness and openness to our experience, ready to find God in every moment.”"
"But I also appreciate that this endlessly argumentative, iterative process is the reason why Judaism is still around today. Questioning, debating, and interpreting aren‘t merely tolerated in Judaism—this is Judaism, and this process is the key not just to our survival, but to our success as well."
This is what I love about Judaism.
"Jewish tradition holds that the souls of all Jews, including those who converted to Judaism, were present at Sinai."