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Paradise Lost
Paradise Lost | John Milton
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Paradise Lost | John Milton
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Eggs Beautiful 😍 2w
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Paradise Lost | John Milton
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Wait, what?!! John Milton visited Galileo in Florence in 1638!? And this is referenced in Paradise Lost! I can't believe I'm only just finding out! 🤯🤦🏻‍♀️


Paradise Lost | John Milton
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Another #bucketlist item ticked off for #scarathlon 🥰 this is me doing some grad school reading in a cute aesthetic cafe today. I had a pot of peppermint tea and finished paradise lost for my class on medieval and renaissance women that meets on Monday nights for my masters degree


Paradise Lost | John Milton
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I truly love charity shops!
I found very interesting books and I can't wait to read them all! 🤩❤️

noseinabookagain I get 99% of my books in second hand bookshops, found some true treasures over the years 😊 Also, Misery is one of my favourite King books, it is a true horror! 2y
TheNeverendingTBR Misery and Angela's Ashes are really good. 👌 2y
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Paradise Lost | John Milton
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“Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.“ Satan in Milton's Paradise Lost.

I write about Satanic literature, culture, history and more in my new book coming out with Simon & Schuster... about the history and culture of Satanism 🙂
It's called The Little Book of Satanism, and drops 10/2022. #author #book #books #satanic #luciengreaves #lucifer

Paradise Lost | John Milton
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What incredible imagery. And what a thrill to read the lines that serve as the epigraph to Northern Lights.Clearly Milton was using the advances in astronomy when he thought of this?God creating multiple worlds from the Chaos of space-beautiful.

Paradise Lost | John Milton
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I'm reading Joe Moshenka's sublime biography of Milton,and decided to make an attempt at Paradise Lost. I did not know that these really famous lines are said by Satan!

Ruthiella I think Satan gets all the best lines! I 2y
Vansa @Ruthiella I had heard that,but dismissed it because Milton is so religious but so far,Satan and Beelzebub have excellent lines! 2y
vivastory I read this years ago & it remains one of my favorite epics. I agree with @Ruthiella I think it was Blake who said something to the effect that Milton was of the Devil's party 2y
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Paradise Lost | John Milton
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#OnThisDay in 1667 John Milton sold the copyright for Paradise Lost for £10. By that time the once wealthy Milton had fallen into poverty. A supporter of Cromwell, he was to be imprisoned in 1660 but was saved by powerful friends. Stripped of property and prestige, and having lost his sight years earlier, Milton began dictating his epic in 1663 to his family. Despite inauspicious beginnings, it was hailed as a masterpiece. #HistoryGetsLIT

Paradise Lost | John Milton
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Pulled out one of my old college books from my British Literature class for this prompt ☺️📚 I even had an old makeshift bookmark left in it 🤪

#BeginsWith 🥳📚 #Lost 😇 😈 #ParadiseLost

#BookNerd 🤓💙📚

Eggs Good call 📚🥰👍🏼 3y
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Paradise Lost | John Milton
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John Milton‘s epic poem Paradise Lost, describing the Christian story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, and the ensuing fall of man, is considered one of the greatest pieces of literature in the English language. #Milton

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Paradise Lost | John Milton
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- Solitude sometimes is best society.

Paradise Lost | John Milton
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What can you really say about a classic? This was a book group pick, and I had a lot of fun reading and discussing it with people. Creation myths always fascinate me, and being able to read the most arguably well known written as an epic poem was fascinating and intriguing. Not to mention the deep characterization Milton gives to Satan who is usually shown as purely evil, was instead flawed and in constant emotional turmoil was quite refreshing.

NikkiM5 It was amazing to read as a group. I wouldn‘t have made it otherwise 😂 4y
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Paradise Lost | John Milton
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Stayed home from work today, my lack of proper sleep for the past few days, allergies, and other body happenings finally overwhelmed me. I don‘t normally go for the epic poems, but I saw an article about it and it was mentioned in a different book I finished reading so here we are.

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Paradise Lost | John Milton
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Whew, I didn‘t realize each book of Paradise Lost was so long 😅 I‘ve been narrating it for my Facebook page, one book per reading, and each takes about an hour! Milton has put so many details into the story and at least I‘m finding it really interesting. I definitely will want to read it again (however slowly!) and wish I could take a course to really dissect and understand it 🧐

Vivlio_Gnosi Do you have experience with ACX.com? 4y
Argon @Vivlio_Gnosi no, I‘ve never heard of it before. But I‘ll definitely look into it, thanks! 4y
Vivlio_Gnosi @Argon It's a place to basically audition as a narrator for audio books on Amazon, Audible, etc. I'm trying to find anyone who has experience with it to help guide me through! 4y
Argon @Vivlio_Gnosi It looks neat, what a great way to get into professional audiobook narration! Good luck! 4y
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Paradise Lost | John Milton

'Me miserable! Which way shall I fly
Infinite wrath, and infinite despair?
Which way I fly is hell; myself am hell;
And in the lowest deep a lower deep
Still threatening to devour me open wide,
To which the hell I suffer seems a heav'n
O then at last relent; is there no place
Left for repentance, none for pardon left?
Book 4 (74-80)

Paradise Lost | John Milton

'All is not lost; the unconquerable will,
And study of revenge, immortal hate,
And courage never to submit or yield;
And what is else not to be overcome?'
- Book (106-109) lucifer

Paradise Lost | John Milton
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