My current pre-Halloween spooky read. I‘ve had this one sitting on my shelves for ages!
My current pre-Halloween spooky read. I‘ve had this one sitting on my shelves for ages!
A grief-filled ghost story, set during WWI, which might be especially hard for anyone who has been pregnant or is a parent.
This isn‘t *just* a ghost story (they never are). It‘s a tale about who is believed, when, & why. The author boldly delves into themes of class, gender, & mental health (without skirting anachronism). There‘s lots of gray area (particularly regarding trust & morality), which is exactly as liminal as a ghost story should be.
I have one more book I‘m hustling to finish before the official end of #Scarathlon2022! It‘s been my audio-listen for my commute and I‘ve got about an hour left.
Very pretty picture (not mine!) from Laura Patricia Rose (link cred in comments).
It‘s been a long time since I‘ve read a decent ghost story that made me want to sleep with the lights on! Set in an old Manor House in 1917, this is a creepy, gothic thriller with lots of atmosphere and mystery. I‘d recommend to fans of Stacey Halls, Laura Purcell and Michelle Paver.
(The second half was overly long which took the edge off the suspense - where are all the editors?!! still a cracking good read though!).
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A gentle ghost story, with all the familiar tropes : a rocking crib, footsteps, a death unavenged and a large county house. Chilling without being frightening, a pleasure to read. Set with the background of the First World War and the resultant death and grief: Stella and her sister Madeline are convinced there is a ghost at Greyswick; will they be believed or dismissed as hysterical and overwrought women?
I may need to calm it down with the spooky stories. As I‘m reading this the breeze from the open windows (I hope) is making the old oak door, in the background, gently open and close with a creak. “Some Houses are Never at Peace”!!!!!!!!
This is such a great book. It is set in 1917, England. Stella Marcham is grieving for her financé, who recently died in the war. She goes to stay with her sister who is pregnant. She is staying at Greyswick a country mansion and while there lots of strange and suspicions things start to happen. I was gripped from the beginning! #recommend
Atmospheric and absorbing. Recommend if you enjoy spooky and a strong back story
A fascinating story that kept me interested until the very end. The plot is quite slow at times but it adds to the story. The atmosphere created is quite chilling at times. I really enjoyed the mystery and had figured out much of it but a few twists still took me by surprise. The ending was really good and ended the story exactly how I hoped it would. Stella's grief is well written#TeamSlaughter #scareathlon @Clwojick #24B4Monday