Decisions, decisions. I think they‘re both short enough to read on this cold and rainy day. ☔️
Can Mickey, a rock-and-roll dreamer, change, or is his identity as fixed as his unlucky draft number? For a book about a disappearance, “Chances Are” has a lot of slow drives, bike rides, and recliner naps. For a reunion between supposed besties, the three former college bros rarely spend a moment all together. My issue with the book is the point Russo makes: The men who‘ve been friends for 45 years don‘t seem to know each other at all.
I never would have picked this. But it's kind of amazing. The writing is so good. The story is great. The best part about #bookclub is trying things you would never have chosen otherwise.
3 college friends meet on Martha's Vineyard to reminisce about their youth 4 decades after graduating from college. Can they solve the mystery of their other friend's disappearance? What do they really know about each other?
You know that feeling when you start a book and you know it‘s the kind that makes you want to disconnect from the world, stay home from work, curl up on the couch and just fall into it ?
This one. Right here. ⬆️
This is as much a mystery about what happened to the female best friend of three college friends in the 1970s as it is about the lives that we never lived. Richard Russo is always funny, poignant, and deep. This was no different.
Why abandon hope in the face of possibility? ⛅️
Let me start by saying that Richard Russo is a national treasure. His style of storytelling is completely captivating. He is an accessible storyteller that tells the story of everyday people. This book does not disappoint.I was so enthralled for the entire story, I found myself sighing heavily because it was ending.
For my full review, please visit my blog at: http://obsessedbookaholic.com/2019/09/01/chances-are-book-review-best-book-of-th...
Three old friends, Mickey, Teddy & Lincoln, meet at Martha‘s Vineyard for the first time in years. They were friends in college & all fell in love with the same woman, Jacy.
Russo is an excellent writer, and the book is full of beautiful descriptions, but the characters felt empty to me. The most important fact of their lives was that they had once loved a woman who disappeared. It felt like a weak ode to The Sun Also Rises & I wasn‘t a big fan.