I have mixed feelings about this one… on one hand, it was well written and I was intrigued by the characters. While on the other, I was often left wanting and wondering.
I have mixed feelings about this one… on one hand, it was well written and I was intrigued by the characters. While on the other, I was often left wanting and wondering.
I got this one from the library recently and I‘m quite enjoying it so far.
Day 19 - #Memories
A translator comes to terms with her family's role in World War and has to face her hidden memories abiut her own experience
Durchwachsen. Durch die wunderbar geschrieben Dialoge wirkten die Figuren im Miteinander authentisch und viele Szenen wurden dadurch lebendig. Leider aber konnte ich selten die Empfindungen der Protagonisten nachfühlen und miterleben, dadurch blieb sie für mich eigenartig hölzern. Und wenn dann driftete der Text für mich manchmal leicht ins Kitschige. Was ich beides bei diesem doch sehr ernsten Thema schwierig finde
Translated historical fiction about a woman who works in Germany post wwii and helps translate at trials.
31-2020 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
This is a fictionalised account of a family dealing with the aftermath of the holocaust, in particular 24 year old Eva. Set at the time the Frankfurt Auschwitz trials were held in 1963. My only criticism is this book has been translated into English so sometimes the words don't flow as seamlessly they should.
A wonderfully well written recount of post WWII in Germany. Sped through this book
THE GERMAN HOUSE is a book that historical fiction fans will devour.
You do not want to miss reading this book...it is an impressive, powerful, thought-provoking read.
REVIEW HERE: https://tinyurl.com/t9udtbt
I haven't read much about the after years of the holocaust and I feel more informed having read this.
See my full review here:
“When we opened the doors, some of the prisoners were still alive. About one third. It had been too little gas. The procedure was repeated with double the amount. We waited two days to open the doors this time. The operation was a success.”
Thanks to #Netgalley, #harpercollins and #annettehess for the opportunity to read this novel in lieu of my honest review.
It is 1963 in Germany where the Frankfurt trials are ready to get underway.
Ms. Hess has a writing style that will pull you in and have you completely absorbed in the book. Her research is impeccable.
THE GERMAN HOUSE is a book that historical fiction fans will devour.
You do not want to miss reading this book...it is an impressive, powerful, thought-provoking read. 5/5
This novel will stay with you forever, imprinted on your mind, a history never to be forgotten. The writing style‘s phenomenal, unique with respect to the quick change between characters but effortlessly keeping the story in line with the plot. This novel does a superb job with descriptive emotional detail but from a courtroom setting therefore as a reader, I took in the situation on an objective level instead of an over emotional depressing one.