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Spy Glass
Spy Glass | Maria V. Snyder
6 posts | 38 read | 19 to read
www.mariavsnyder.comNew York Times bestselling author Maria V. Snyder develops a world of molten magic where a magician's powers can remain hidden-or even be lost...After siphoning her own blood to defeat her enemy, Opal Cowan has lost her powers. More, she's immune to the effects of magic. Opal is now an outsider looking in, spying on those with the powers she once had, powers that make a difference in her world. Until spying through the glass becomes her new power. Suddenly the beautiful pieces she makes flash in the presence of magic. She also discovers that someone has stolen some of her blood-and that finding it might let her regain her powers. Or learn if they're lost forever...
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Spy Glass | Maria V. Snyder
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Spy Glass | Maria V. Snyder
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#NutsinMay is actually going pretty well! As of last night e am right on schedule for my page-count goal of 200pgs/day!! Also, I unexpectedly got today off so I am SUPER stoked. I do have plenty to do around the house, but am hoping to get some reading in as well, of course, including FINALLY finishing both the tagged book and my secret #LMPBC read, which, like all the rest of the books I'm reading, starts with an S!


Andrew65 You‘re doing great. I‘m currently around 150 pages behind. 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65 - Thanks!! I know Thursday & Friday are going to be a lil crazy, so I am hoping to build up a buffer today & tomorrow!! I'm confident you'll catch up to your goals!! 4y
Bookwormjillk Nice! Enjoy your day off! 4y
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Andrew65 @TheAromaofBooks Thanks, a busy week of announcements from Governments that have meant time taken away from reading and more time on work tasks. 4y
kspenmoll Enjoy your day!!! 4y
Lesanne Good for you! Enjoy your day off! 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Bookwormjillk @kspenmoll @Lesanne - Thank you!!! Working a lot does mean that that on my days off I'm a lot more appreciative of my little house!! I love it here! 😂 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65 - yes, there are so many complications with trying to keep up with what government officials say we should be doing - feels like everywhere there are conflicts & difficulties! Hopefully you are able to find balance & also some time to recover from all the chaos!! 4y
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Spy Glass | Maria V. Snyder
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#WeeklyForecast... Finish the tagged book annnnd the rest of the Chronicles of Ixia haha nbd, only about 1600 pages 🙄 Also HAVE to finish my secret #LMPBC book and mail it on Wednesday!!! Continuing the buddy read of S&S with the #PemberLittens.

If I can get through all that, it would be kind of awesome to start on my own #BookSpinBonanza challenge! The Grace Year & Eight Perfect Murders are my first two reads for that. Last week of chaos work⬇️

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) Looking forward to going back to my regular life of 3 days/wk. Not cut out for the full-time gig!!

Hopefully #NutsinMay will give me the inspiration to pick up my books in the evening instead of vegging out in front of a screen of some kind!

@Cinfhen @Andrew65
Cinfhen Ha!! I love that you haven‘t started #BookSpin 😄😁😆 4y
Lesanne You‘ve got this!! Beautiful copy of Sense and Sensibility, btw! 4y
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Andrew65 That‘s a lot of reading in your plate. Good luck. 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Cinfhen - Right?! I may have a problem! 😂 And they're all books I really want to read, too! 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Lesanne - Thank you!! And yes, I didn't own a copy & couldn't resist this edition! It's a dream to read, too - now I want all the Austens in this edition!!! 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65 - Thank you!!! Happily they're all books I'm excited to delve into! 4y
Melismatic The Grace Year‘s on my TBR too! 🙌🏻 Hope you love it. 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Melismatic - I hadn't even heard of it before someone in my #LMPBC group chose it! Sounds intriguing though so I am looking forward to reading it! 4y
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Spy Glass | Maria V. Snyder
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First Quote Challenge of Hour 6 #24in48


Spy Glass | Maria V. Snyder
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#SecondChances #BookLove17

There is some controversy over who the main character in the series (Opal) should have ended up with between Devlen and Kade. I personally MUCH preferred Kade.

Devlen however is my choice for second chances. Previously addicted to blood magic, a torturer, and an all round bad guy, he recovers from his addiction throughout the trilogy and is given a second chance at being a good guy by the main character Opal.

night_shift This sounds right up my alley. Is this the first book in the series? 7y
Bookworm54 @UnidragonFrag this is the last of the trilogy. The first one is Storm Glass. You can read it as a standalone trilogy, but it is actually book 4 of the Chronicles of Ixia, which begins with Poison Study (again a trilogy). The main character appears briefly in the first trilogy, and a couple of characters make a cameo in this one, but they aren't required to enjoy the Glass trilogy 🙂 7y
night_shift Oh! I've heard of the Poison Study trilogy. Been meaning to read it. Thanks for the info! 7y
Bookworm54 @UnidragonFrag no problem. I love poison study! It's also a great time to read the series as the final book is coming out this month! 7y
night_shift Oh, cool! No waiting eons for the next book! I like catching series when they're done or also done haha 7y
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Spy Glass | Maria V. Snyder
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It's dark humor like this, slipped in here and there, that seals the deal on my love for Maria V. Snyder's books time and again! This is a wonderful conclusion to Opal's trilogy! I enjoyed it even more the second time!


Leelee.reads This quote! 😆 8y
MidnightBookGirl This quote alone had sold me on this book 8y
the.bookish.valkyrie @Leelee.reads @MidnightBookGirl Right?! I was listening to the audible version at work with my earbuds and laughed out loud at this! I got some strange looks! 😂😂😂 (edited) 8y
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