And now, a cozy mystery! I chose it because I do an unofficial alphabet challenge and I needed an X title, not because the colour scheme matches my dog. That‘s just a bonus.
And now, a cozy mystery! I chose it because I do an unofficial alphabet challenge and I needed an X title, not because the colour scheme matches my dog. That‘s just a bonus.
I really enjoyed this cozy mystery set in Maine. This is my first time meeting Liss MacCrimmon, owner of the town's Scottish Emporium. I loved how the author gave us many suspects, each with a motive and then an alibi at just the right moment. When I thought we'd learn who was behind it all, they would have a way out. I think I've read three cozies total, but this one is my favorite.
Full review - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/4126436066
"She was still there, enjoying her day off by sitting on her front porch and reading the newest mystery in the Mistress Jaffrey series, when Sherri emerged from cyberspace and stopped by to share what she‘d found."
Ha! The author plugged her other mystery series by showing her main character reading it. This had me laughing! This author has a few pseudonyms from what I can tell and uses her full name to write the Mistress Jaffrey series.
Time for something a little more lighthearted. I just realized that this is book #11 in the series, but I've already downloaded it and others have commented that they also started with this book so I'm giving it a go. If you've read it and think otherwise, please let me know! Truth be told, I probably added this to my TBR because it has a cat on the cover . . .
#CuriousCovers Day 29 #Pets
X Marks the Scot is on my #LitsyAtoZ list so it will get read on off my TBR this year.