4✨ A meteor strikes a family farm. A grey hue is seen on plants, then animals, and finally the family. There is something in the well and it is ominous. #Scarathon #TeamSlaughter @Clwojick
4✨ A meteor strikes a family farm. A grey hue is seen on plants, then animals, and finally the family. There is something in the well and it is ominous. #Scarathon #TeamSlaughter @Clwojick
1. The Ghost Tree - Christina Henry
2. It was just a colour out of space—a frightful messenger from unformed realms of infinity beyond all Nature as we know it; from realms whose mere existence stuns the brain and numbs us with the black extra-cosmic gulfs it throws open before our frenzied eyes.
This one is about a man trying to find out how a piece of land came to be known as “The Blasted Heath” after a meteorite crashed to the ground was found to contain strange properties and a colour that has never been seen before.
Lovecraft (as usual) doesn't give any details of what was contained in the meteor that caused all of this damage, he just leaves it up to your imagination and that's why I've always loved his work.
"Meteor shit!" ☄
Very atmospheric. A perfect introduction into the world of cosmic horror as its own sub genre.
There are valid issues with Lovecraft's personal views which I will not reiterate because they are well documented. Speaking only of the short story, it is among the fan favorites for good reason. HPL truly captures the the horror of something completely inhuman and outside of human understanding. A great sci-fi horror that doesn't rely on gimmicky alien “effects“ but tugs at something universally, anciently frightening.
My first Lovecraft book. Will definitely read another. Very vivid descriptions and yet I feel like everyone probably has a totally different experience because it leaves much up to the imagination.
A friend just asked me which Lovecraft story to start with, and I could hardly contain my excitement.
This was GREAT! My first Lovecraft a success! This was so creepy, I‘m glad we had to read it for Sci-fi Lit class. 😱👍🏻⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The animated 'iLovecraft 2' app for The Colour Out of Space was really amazing! 🤗 I totally enjoyed the surreal magic, and spooky jump scares that sure got me a few times by surprise, best for iOS reading in the dark. 😱 A groovy treasure that I highly recommend!
I just picked up the new 'iLovecraft 2' app download for The Colour Out of Space, animated by The iClassics Collection. 😻💙 I'm so looking forward to fun with this read!