Credits didn't drop into the hands of the polite. Neither did food, medicine or shelter.
Credits didn't drop into the hands of the polite. Neither did food, medicine or shelter.
"We've stood by you and we'll be damned if you throw that loyalty aside just because it's inconvenient to your pride."
Nessa's words and determined loyalty hit home today. Everyone needs a Nessa in their corner to smack them in the head, occasionally.
My July spending log. I'm pleased to report I read everything I bought last month, and I managed to do it within a week of when I acquired each book! Hurray!
I also bought way more full-price ebooks than usual (ie, three) after I fell in love with Jensen & Burke's Chaos Station series. I'm ALMOST glad Carina Press no longer accepts Kobo coupons on their titles because I had no excuse to wait. I happily shelled out and wallowed in awesome.
Yep; I'm officially hooked on this SF series. In this second book, Burke and Jensen double down on all the charactery goodness that made the first book so enjoyable, push their cast into new areas of the galaxy, and resolve a couple of plot threads while still leaving plenty of dangly bits for the next three books. I'm excited to read on, soon as I get a bit of space in my schedule.
Spent some time in the glorious heat with my book and a lambic beer. I'd never heard of the stuff before I got a bottle for my birthday, but I'll definitely look for it again. It's a low-alcohol beverage (2.5%) that tastes exactly like I always imagined raspberry cordial would. Not so good if you MUST HAVE BEER, but great if you want something fruity on a hot day.