Book 225 of the year.
Book 225 of the year.
The author dives into the climate change debate and ponders the science, his contributions, and our failure to make changes. It's a personal look from his perspective with some science to back it up. I enjoyed it, and it accomplished its goal..it made me think.
“Only collective action will save our home and way of life. And it all starts with what we eat-and don‘t eat-for breakfast”
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I really related to this meditation on how we can know we need to be doing more and better to avert the worst of the climate disaster that‘s coming but not “believe” or act on it. Bottom line is that we should drive less, fly less, have fewer children, and drastically reduce the amount of meat and dairy we eat, but the main themes are about the ways and reasons we don‘t do what we know what we need to rather than a list of climate facts.
Wow!!! There are so many books about climate change to choose from. This was by far the most emotional for me to read. Although he gives statistics and remedies, this book is more of a deep dive into the emotional side of being contributors to a global disaster and the unfailing inaction that occurs. I thought this was a very engaging and introspective book. I recommend for all humans!
Unwinding with a new read tonight and excited to dive in to this one. (Seren always finds it necessary to inspect all new books.)
Nothing like a book about climate change to make me feel hopeless and upset.
There were parts of this book that were fantastic, but there was a lot of filler. I personally found the filler interesting, but I don't think We Are the Weather was as powerful as it could have been due to these ramblings. JSF's overall message is important, but it becomes a bit lost. I recommend the audiobook over the physical book.
Book 13 for #BookSpinBingo.
Imagine a guilt-filled essay that rolls on for 200 pages or so and then switches to a self-interviewing format that reiterates everything said in the first 60% of the book. The message is important: we're beyond the point of having feelings about how much meat we are entitled to, the planet can't sustain this level, we must cut back significantly. However, the book should have stopped at the end of part 3.
Each time I read a book on climate change, I urge everyone else to read it, too. It is always depressing, always educational. The author writes in such a poetic way here and frequently uses other past events to show us how to ‘see‘, and to act...before it is too late. Highly recommended.
Human populations have driven other human populations to the brink of eradication numerous times throughout history. Now the entire species threatens itself with mass suicide. Not because anyone is forcing us to. Not because we don‘t know better. And not because we don‘t have alternatives. We are killing ourselves because choosing death is more convenient than choosing life.
I loved this and found it very informative. If only more people would think this way I think real change could occur. Just the matter of taking your decisions one at a time and considering futures more than momentary ease. Every person matters, every ones choices matter. #mustread #highlyrecommend
I read a lot about the climate but this was one of the best. His writing about caring for his elderly grandmother who survived the Holocaust and thinking about survival and responsibility will stay with me. He doesn‘t ask us to reduce our meat consumption or change things self righteously or thinking it‘s easy, I worried I‘d feel judged but I never did. I really recommend this if you want to think about the ethics of living in a changed world
Some light reading before bed.
Yeah! It's a very hard touch of true...
Very recommended. Have a present that read it'll drive you to make some daily life changes, as fly less, eat more vegetables and be more consequent with your choices...
#wearetheweather #jonathansafranfoer #cookbookreviewer #BCNcookbookreview
This book is screaming alarm, a call to action, a necessary warning for us to face the climate crisis before it‘s too late. Challenging, and upsetting but ultimately uplifting, I encourage you to give it a try. The author can seem a bit harsh and self righteous at times, but I suspect it is for good reason. I‘m not sure I‘ll be able to take the step to go vegan before dinner, but I will be making dietary changes and living more intentionally.
This book is really fascinating! Finishing up the night, gonna watch the ball drop with my sweetie and the pup. Finished #24b42020 with21 hrs and 1 min. #wintergames #elfies @Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid @StayCurious @Clwojick @Bookwormjillk
@Andrew65 this quote about how humans can affect climate change. Not by ourselves, not because it is the perfect moment to start, but because of a collective wave. This book is amazing so far!! #24b42020 #wintergames #elfies @Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid @StayCurious @Clwojick @Bookwormjillk
Foer is a vegetarian with strong and well thought out positions. He argues on how to stop climate change and be a person in the world without destroying it.
⭐️⭐️ I hadn‘t realized JSF had a new nonfiction book until he appeared on Dax Shepard‘s Armchair Experts podcast recently, and frankly, I preferred that interview to the book. I got the same - mostly dismal, but sometimes hopeful - information without the onslaught of meandering anecdotes. I usually adore him, but this was poorly organized, awkward, and just ... total dullsville.
Aaaarghh, so much to do and so little time. Must stop eating animal stuff, beef is the worst but cheese comes in (a distant) second. Must do more. Great book.
This is a beautifully written book about the ethics of climate change but it‘s also a book of connections with family, the Holocaust, grandmothers, guilt, human history, religion, and Science. Frankly it felt like a conversation with a close friend when you talk about the difficult and unspoken things. Go out and read this NOW!
I haven‘t read anything by Jonathan Safran Foer for awhile and had forgotten how stunningly beautiful his writing is. Such irony, exceptionally beautiful writing about about the terrifying,, complicated and divisiveness of climate change.
A fascinating (though super depressing) take on the ethical issues surrounding climate change.
#Goodreads #arc
An important book a book about climate change and what we can do to save our world,