Thought all of you word nerds would appreciate this. The tagged book was the first I could think of that sounded appropriate. 😄
Thought all of you word nerds would appreciate this. The tagged book was the first I could think of that sounded appropriate. 😄
This book is horrible. My whole life people have been telling me about how I need to read the Dictionary, but I don‘t see what all the hype is about. It‘s too wordy and you would think that the author was paid by the word. What‘s worse, I couldn‘t find a plot anywhere. Worst book ever!
1.) Maniacal, incomparable...pretty much words that have the emphasis in a spot you don‘t expect.
2.) I‘m sure there‘s a ton, but the one I can think of right now is “awry”. I had heard it before but had never put it together with the written word.
3.) Methylchloroisothiazolinone
4.) The only one I can think of right now is “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” (feel free to check the spelling).
5.) Tag, you‘re it!
# hellothursday @wanderinglynn