The first thing that came to mind for #children #200pnpcovers @CrowCAH @mabell
The first thing that came to mind for #children #200pnpcovers @CrowCAH @mabell
Thoughtful, timely, and engaging, though perhaps a touch dry at times. Blackstone takes the time to distinguish between the childless and the childfree. She combines existing data with original research to dispel myths about the childfree and discusses societal, religious, and cultural preconceptions about parenthood. Worthwhile read, whether you‘re childfree, have kids, or are undecided.
#childfree #childfreebychoice
I definitely recommend this book for anyone, no matter what parental choice they've made. It is sociologically-based though, so the language is generally formal and scientific.
As for me, this book made me realize that when people ask me why I've chosen to be childfree, they just want to argue with me reason by reason. I've decided to no longer try explaining why I've made this choice for myself.