This was so cute and sweet. A little bit of steamy romantic scenes thrown in too. ❤️👭
This was so cute and sweet. A little bit of steamy romantic scenes thrown in too. ❤️👭
Started this via audiobook. Not sure yet what it has to do with popcorn other than cover. Haven‘t seen anyone talk about this before. But it is an f/f romance. ❤️👭
It‘s a wine and popcorn kind of night. I‘m listening to Vengeance in Death — an Eve Dallas mystery.
Hubby ordered me an Instant Pot that just arrived! Popcorn in the Instant Pot is my new favorite reading snack! Nom nom nom 😃
That moment I discovered I ate all my popcorn, but don't remember actually eating all my popcorn 😱
I have found the ultimate #foodandbook combo for anyone who loves crunchy savoury treats! I bought these in Minnesota when we went to grab a package from the boarder. I am so sad that they are not sold in Canada because they are EVERYTHING! Half popped popcorn. Mmmmm 😍😬🤗
Day 25: Sweet. I decided to go the "awwwww" route on this. These two books are wonderfully sweet without being super annoying (which some fall into). Pick these up! #junebookbugs @RealLifeReading
#24in48 I can snack all day and not feel completely guilty. #giantbagofpopcorn