First overnight freeze of the season and despite the heay being on, somebody is cold. I'll be a church widow all day, so I don't know how much reading I'll get done. It's rather far down the list.
First overnight freeze of the season and despite the heay being on, somebody is cold. I'll be a church widow all day, so I don't know how much reading I'll get done. It's rather far down the list.
The List App is closing on Friday and all of us there are very sad. But someone wrote me this lovely note and it made my day.
#FallIntoBooks Day 16: Now here's a book for #ListLovers out there. I just remembered I have this book and I had to dig it up from my shelves.
1️⃣ 24h at least
2️⃣ I mostly read digital, I prefer paper
3️⃣ SF, slipstream/magic realism
4️⃣ historical, romance
5️⃣ bad editing
6️⃣ Being in another world
7️⃣ I never finished Joyce's Ulysses
1️⃣ Someone mentioned it on Twitter
2️⃣ I don't
3️⃣ E-books, by necessity. Other media hurt
4️⃣ Hasn't everyone?
5️⃣ Nope
6️⃣ Don't remember; if it's bad, I forget
7️⃣ Numéro Zéro by Umberto Eco, the joke about Pius XII
8️⃣ Yesterday, but I forget
9️⃣ Thomas Wharton's The Logogryph
🔟 Le problème de la nageuse (don't ask)
1️⃣ I read e-books, and buy a paper copy of those I loved
2️⃣ It's a choice?
3️⃣ No preference
4️⃣ Numéro Zéro by Umberto Eco
5️⃣ A bunch of old, falling apart books yesterday
6️⃣ Yes, please
7️⃣ As I've said before, Thomas Wharton's The Logogryph. Nick Bantock's The Forgetting Room. All Octavia Butler, Élisabeth Vonarburg, Ursula Le Guin
8️⃣ Jenny Lawson's
9️⃣ Right now? Tintin
🔟 The Princess Bride
1️⃣1️⃣ Of course
From Lists of Note, a hand-written list of words for Roald Dahl BFG's vocabulary. So interesting to see what made the cut and what didn't.
I wonder how many lists like this we miss in today's digital age.
#seasonsreadings2016 #fictionnonfictionpairings this is a list of "midwesternisms" from DFW so I just had to pair it with Infinite Jest. The first one on the list is "Pronouncing 'theatre' like it had a y in it -- theayter theayter". This is a cool book though! It has lists from all sorts of people (Johnny Cash, Ronald Dahl, Sylvia Plath, Frank Lloyd Wright- and lots of others!)