This book was everything I needed it to be. I spent hours of my youth absorbing Jacques on PBS with Julie, with his daughter Claudine… I absolutely adored every moment.
This book was everything I needed it to be. I spent hours of my youth absorbing Jacques on PBS with Julie, with his daughter Claudine… I absolutely adored every moment.
#TuesdayTidbits 🤔
Mahalo @jfalkens for the tag! 🌺😘
1. I started The Mysteries of Udolpho last year on Serial Reader, got waylaid in January & haven't been able to get back into it. I'm at 70% with 35 episodes left. I will finish it one day! 💪🏻
2. 🍿& hummus with veggies/chips, tea & 🍪or 🍫
3. The tagged book-probably technically memoir, but it covers a big part of Chef Pepin's life & is a fave. 🥄
4. @Texreader @CaroPi if you want to! 🤗
What a great book! As one of my friends said, J‘adore Jacques. I‘ve been watching Jacques on PBS for a long time and always appreciated his down to earth dishes and the time he spent showing how to do everything on the kitchen. This comes through in this book, too. The stories of his childhood, his career in America, and his family are beautifully told. And the recipes are the perfect accompaniment. And I finished it before book club this week!
Hilarious moment of the day: when your boyfriend asks if you want to go in the amazing @57thStreetBooks and is surprised that you want to buy a book. 😂
My meals are often my food blog posts or leftovers. Tonight's dinner will be tomorrow's post. Jacques Pepin's Fromage Fort-which is really nothing more than tossing leftover cheese pieces into the food processor w/garlic, white wine & black pepper. Yum! This one includes Brie, goat cheese, blue & other cheeses, served w/baguette, grapes & white wine. It's not from his memoir, it's for a blog movie event for French Kiss w/Meg Ryan & Kevin Kline🧀🐭
Day11 #booktober #memorablememoirs I love foodie memoirs & Jacques Pepin's is one of the best. From his youth in France, to his Paris apprenticeships at a young age, his move to the U.S. In 1959 & the celebrity that followed w/his PBS shows, cookbooks & friendship w/ Julia Child, Pepin remains gracious, humble & is still going strong at almost 81. There are a couple dozen of his favorite recipes included. Link to blog review/recipe pairing below❤️
There are a lot of things I love about this book, primarily the grace with which JP writes about food and people. It has so much feeling and mainly eschews the annoying look at how cool I am vibe that so many memoirs (all kinds but maybe especially chef) have these days.