‘The Will‘ seems to mean all iterations of the word: the Great Arcitect‘s intent/ her written instructions / the document.
‘The Will‘ seems to mean all iterations of the word: the Great Arcitect‘s intent/ her written instructions / the document.
‘The Will‘ seems to mean all iterations of the word: the Great Arcitect‘s intent/ her written instructions / the document.
💖 💖 💖 💓🤍
I read these books when I was younger, and I'm just now rereading them as something to do during this pandemic. I love these books. I always thought as someone with asthma how amazing it would be to be someplace where all that disappeared. I think the characters are great, and the story fast and engaging. I would definitely recommend it!
So far I have liked this book. The main character is Arthur Penhaligon. He is asthmatic and is chosen by a mysterious figure to die an early death to complete a prophecy. But, he doesn't die when he was thought to. Then, the figure sets out to retrieve a powerful item that has been given to Arthur. Arthur has to prevent the figure from getting the item and has to bring it to a certain place. I would reccomend this book to anyone who likes fantasy.
My 11 year old's original #readathon plan was to finish that stack on the left, all books that she has already started. But I've been reading The Keys to the Kingdom to both kids, and we recommended the series to one of her best friends. He became obsessed, and was quickly ahead of us in the series. So now she's spending @DeweysReadathon doing competitive reading to finish the series before him. 🙄😂 Sir Thursday is missing from the pic as it's ⬇️
I‘m listening to this series through Libby. I usually listen to nonfiction, but thought I‘d try this one because it‘s rather short. Wish me luck!
I'm wiped out from back to school shopping with the kids. Who said school uniforms were easier? They're not! Fortunately I managed to nab a Garth Nix book from a charity shop in passing. 50p! Now gonna read and roast in the sun (why did I put jeans on? Why?! ?) while the kids play in a massive "beach" sandpit they've installed at the town shopping. Then ice cream. Definitely ice cream.
Es besaß Bogen, Aquädukte und Apsiden; Erkertürme, Glockentürme und Streben; Kamine, Zinnen und Kuppeln; Galerien und Wasserspeier; Pfeiler und Zugbrücken; Terrassen und Türmchen.
Es wirkte völlig fehl am Platz, wie es da inmitten eines ansonsten modernen Vorstadtviertels stand.
In einer Senke vor ihnen lag, einen ganzen Block einnehmend, ein riesiges, altertümliches Haus. Ein gewaltiges Gebäude aus Stein, aus merkwürdig geformten Bausteinen unterschiedlicher Größe, und altem Holz vieler Arten und Farben. Es sah aus, als ob es ohne Plan und Sorgfalt aufgebaut und erweitert worden wäre, wobei man sich offensichtlich verschiedener, architektonischer Stilrichtungen bedient hatte.
I've been eyeballing this series in my library since this summer and finally decided to give it a try. It's my first Garth Nix and I really enjoyed it and can't wait to pick up the next one!
*complete set happy dance*
They no longer fit in the same spot on my bookshelf but that's a minor detail...
I may have to rearrange everything 🤔
My face when I realise I don't have a complete set 😱😱😱 *fingers crossed that this edition is still in print*
#LoveOzYa 🇦🇺
I was going to use Born on a Tuesday for the "title with day of week" square (thanks @BestOfFates) but Mister Monday has been on my TBR for ages and was available for immediate download.
Entertaining. Loved the literary allusions: Arthurian legend, Prometheus, Pied Piper.
That's the speculative fiction square done.