Didn‘t find it that remarkable, but an easy, fluff read for a day when I wasn‘t feeling well. Full review on GR.
Didn‘t find it that remarkable, but an easy, fluff read for a day when I wasn‘t feeling well. Full review on GR.
Thank you @StephanieGeiser 😀 I‘m looking forward to reading this! 🎉🎆🎇🎉
Congrats @StephanieGeiser on your 5k milestone! 🎉👏🏻🎇🎆🙌🏻🎉
My pick for your #SG5kGiveaway is the tagged book. It looks fun!
This is a happy picture from last week. A perfect night- a book in one hand, bourbon in the other, and a cat on my lap.
Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
I won‘t say much because this is one of the books I am considering passing on for #TheBreakfastBookClub and I don‘t want to spoil it. (I‘ll put a review up on GR soon.) BUT it was a super cute story and a fast read. Give it a try!
“Human beings are more or less formulas. ... We are not any one thing that is mathematically provable. We are more ‘more or less‘ than we ‘are‘ anything. ... We are more or less kind, or more or less not. More or less selfish, happy, wise, lonely. Just like things are rarely always true or never true, we aren‘t ever exactly one or another. We are more less.”
“Love was lazy as hell. Love laid around in bed, warm from the sheets and the sunlight pouring into the room. Love was too lazy to get up to close the blinds. Love was too comfortable to get up and go pee. Love took too many naps, it watched TV, but not really, because it was too busy kissing and napping. Love was also funny, which somehow made the bed more comfortable, the laughter warming the sheets, softening the mattress and the lovers‘ skin.”
“Julia knew that there were moments in your life that meant something but passed by unnoticed, and she knew that this was not one of them.”
“‘I do that, too,‘ a girl‘s voice said.
‘Do what?‘ he said.
‘Check out bookshelves at strangers‘ houses,‘ she answered, stepping up next to him and looking at the books as if to prove she wasn‘t lying. ‘I‘m usually a bit awkward in houses that I haven‘t been to before, so it‘s a way not to look weird. If I find something I‘ve read before it automatically makes me more comfortable.‘”
“...I might start wearing heels just for the pleasure of removing them.”
1.5/5. i hate love triangles. i thought this would be fun and different, but it was honestly just a cliché with immature characters. ugh.
so far, i think that this book is incredibly unrealistic for a book about eighteen-year-olds. julia and dave are acting so clueless and i really don‘t much like this yet.
So cute!! I loved this story. Quick read, perfect for a rainy weekend or a beach/pool read.
Adi Alsaid shared this account on Twitter. It's like Humans of NY but Mexico City to remind SOME "people" (aka POTUS) that he should get to know them!! #lovewins please follow on Instagram if you have it http://instagram.com/goodhombres
this was such a good book to read! probably my all time favorite book ever. the author did amazing with the story line and i adore the way they write. i loved the way they transitioned their writing, it wasn't hard to read or understand. overall i fell in love with everything about the book and i highly recommend it!!
A story about a proverbial "nice guy" who turns out to not be all that nice but still manages to get both girls
I really enjoyed this book! It was well written and full of love, laughter, and hints of reality. The ending was not what I expected. (That's all I'll say😉) For my full review and others check out my blog: www.bringpaperback.weebly.com
This book was definitely quite cute. I didn't love it as much as some other rom coms I've read, but it was still quite good