Loved this series! I just love VE Schwab‘s writing and this world was one I was so drawn to with Lila and Kell being some of my favorite characters of all time!
Loved this series! I just love VE Schwab‘s writing and this world was one I was so drawn to with Lila and Kell being some of my favorite characters of all time!
Absolutely LOVED this book! The entire concept, plot, characters, and world has captured my soul and I can wait to grab the next book! (full review on my blog!)
One my absolute favorite novels by one of my favorite authors! It is such a stunning Alice in Wonderland retelling! (for a full review check out bringingpaperback.weebly.com)
"People always spoke of love as if it were an arrow. A thing that flew quick, and always found its mark. They spoke of it as if it were a pleasant thing, but Maxim had taken an arrow once, and knew if for what it was: excruciating."
WOW. First of all the plot was really amazing. I haven't read a book similar to this, ... really EVER and because it's so unique I really doubt I could ever forget this amazing story. For the rest and more: www.bringingpaperbackblog.weebly.com (dang it the word limit...)
An imaginative fantasy book that really brings people into another world. After reading A Thousand Pieces of You I had to read this one and now I'm eagerly awaiting the third book!!
A great fantasy/romance read for those who love the idea of traveling between dimensions! Claudia Gray did amazingly on allowing the reader to feel fully enveloped in the story!
For More: www.bringingpaperback.weebly.com
I really enjoyed this book! It sends a great message about gender fluidity and incorporates that with an thrilling plot line! For more: www.bringingpaperback.weebly.com
I really enjoyed this book! It was well written and full of love, laughter, and hints of reality. The ending was not what I expected. (That's all I'll say😉) For my full review and others check out my blog: www.bringpaperback.weebly.com