Sometimes I like to think that all #PeopleAreStrange. Not just the English, I mean. My tribe, the Germans, have strange habits, too. Not to mention all the lovely nerds and geeks. 😁
#Rocktober @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB
Sometimes I like to think that all #PeopleAreStrange. Not just the English, I mean. My tribe, the Germans, have strange habits, too. Not to mention all the lovely nerds and geeks. 😁
#Rocktober @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB
Although the author is British, she takes the #OutsidersPerspective to watch her fellow country men/women.
#BeastsGiveawayChallenge @ruthemmielang
A room with a view,
Watching the English,
the things they carried.
#readathon spine poetry
Grooming-talk starts with greeting-talk. Weather-speak is needed in this context partly because greetings and introductions are such an awkward business for the English. 🤔😂
These poor book cover models look miserable and wet. #somethingforsept #uglycover on my tbr list
When I was about seven, an American friend of my parents' bent down, tweaked my cheek, and asked, "So, what do you think of America, then?" I gave the matter due frowning consideration for a moment or two before replying, "Well, I think it will probably be all right when it's finished."