I found this book on my bookshelf and chose it to read for the #LibraryThing challenge to read a book by an author born in #NorthAfrica. I‘d read and enjoyed books by this author before, but many years ago. I find this book intriguing. It‘s background is political, referring many times back to the #Egyptian Revolution in 1952. I had to look this up in order to give this read better context. I‘m glad I did.
TEArificbooks FYI I changed my name from mdm139 to TEArificbooks. I am still here. And let me know if there is a zoom meeting 2y
SqueakyChu @TEArificbooks Oh, no! How am I going to remember your new name?! Check out the BC meetings forum before January 21 (the Saturday that the Zoom is scheduled). You‘ll need to get the Zoom link pmed to you from whoever the host will be. (edited) 2y