Took the train out to run some errands. #springbreak
I think I‘ve only read this once. Maaaybe twice, 20 years ago. I‘m loving revisiting Valdemar, and I could use the escape.
My partner was admitted to the hospital Sunday night with severe anemia caused by a GI bleed. A search on Dr. Google yielded pretty lousy results, and I‘m not panicking unless there‘s something to panic about, I just like to be informed. Anyway, tests to find out more are happening today, and I guess we‘ll go from there.
This is one of my favorite valdemar books. I love Kero, she‘s such a fun character. This book follows her from her teen years when she doesn‘t fit in with her family, to her training with her legendary grandmother and clan mother, to her mercenary years and ends with her entrance to Valdemar. Good world building, good characters and a nice standalone novel. 4/5 stars
And here's the #GenCon stack signed just buy Misty. She was super accommodating and let me wait until the end of the signing (so nobody got left out) where she speed-signed the last 18 books. All together she signed 28 books for me. I am so over the moon about meeting her! When meeting a favorite author I always fear they won't be as great as I imagined, but Misty and Larry were AMAZING! I'll be fangirling about this for years.