And that's a six-month streak to start #WickedWords for 2023!
#WickedWords @AsYouWish
And that's a six-month streak to start #WickedWords for 2023!
#WickedWords @AsYouWish
I loved this trio of short stories set in The Inheritance Trilogy world. We get a little of how the Nightlord first dealt with his incarceration, how The Nameless God found his nature, and how Glee tracked down her father. I wouldn‘t recommend reading them until you finish the main trilogy though, spoilers are involved if read before the last book. I will miss this world Jemisin created.
While I enjoyed these short stories that accompany the Inheritance trilogy, I found that the only one I thoroughly enjoyed was the first story. The remaining two were good, but I didn‘t fall in love with them as much. #AuthorAMonth
These are 3 clever interconnected stories that elaborate on themes and characters in the Inheritance trilogy: Glee, Nahadoth, and the God with No Name. Not my go-to genre, but again it‘s all about the names, the language, and the intricacies of Jemisin‘s magical worlds.
#authoramonth2021 @Soubhiville
These three stories were a delightful addition to the Inheritance universe. N. K. Jemisin is such a skillful world builder. I'd love to keep reading more and more about three characters!
Next up! My partner and I are hooked on N.K. Jemisin for our read aloud books!
Waited too long to read this - hardly remember who any of the characters are.
Doesn't stand by itself. Stories seemed to have no real point other than tying up loose ends. Recommended if you really liked the series but to be avoided otherwise.