Through my Library #SHPL, I participated in the winter reading program. I met the goal of reading for 600 minutes in the month of January. I chose a tote bag as my prize and got a bookmark!
Through my Library #SHPL, I participated in the winter reading program. I met the goal of reading for 600 minutes in the month of January. I chose a tote bag as my prize and got a bookmark!
Look what the librarians at my library put in the carry-out bags of loaned material! A little Christmas message, mints and chocolates! #MittenLitten
Are you a bookseller or librarian?
If so, we‘d love to have you to help judge our book award contest-
The Booksellers‘ Best Award
Follow this link to sign up:
I‘m a member of Greater Detroit RWA and am on the BBA committee this year! Please, consider assisting our contest with being a judge.
1. Sterling Heights, Michigan #MittenLitten
2. Cursed & Cherished, by Bree Wolf (Loves Second Chance 2)
3. 300-400 pages, like a 10 hour audiobook.
4. @Cadyly @PirateJenny @VioletCavalier
Happy National Library Week!!!
Have you been borrowing material from OverDrive, Libby, Hoopla, or RB Digital?
All apps that allow library patrons to borrow digital material all for FREE; just need a library card.
Show your library some support this week!
A #FreeLittleLibrary at our local park. Though, no books inside, it‘s crafted after the Upton House, an original farm house of my city; pictured here.
My library #SHPL does more than just summer reading, but one for every season! Already have two down, started a third, and will read two more before the end of next month.
The 2019 edition of Sterling Script officially became available today!
I have a poem, flash fiction, and short story inside!