Sunrise reading in Sedona, AZ
Sunrise reading in Sedona, AZ
Wil Wheaton just announced an updated version of this book coming out next year, and of course I had to do a little digging, but I still have a well loved copy of the original.
My life is, by every objective measurement, very very good. And in spite of all of that, I struggle every day with my self esteem, my self worth, and my value not only as an actor and writer, but as a human being. That‘s because I live with Depression and Anxiety, the tag team champions of the World Wrestling With Mental Illness Federation. So. My name is Wil Wheaton, and I have Chronic Depression.
“Only one? Are you feeling ok? I‘m here if you need to talk.” 😂
I really enjoy following Wil on social media.
@ScorpioBookDreams started this game. Here are my books.
J - Just a Geek
U - The Undomestic Goddess
L - Life Below Stairs
I - The Immortal Heights
A - The Alienist
I really enjoyed watching Wil‘s writing evolve and mature, along with his self assurance. I love Star Trek, and while I grew up watching the original on VHS with my dad, The Next Generation was my generation, and I did miss Wil when he left.
This is about more than just Trek though- it‘s a look into Wil‘s insecurities and family life, and how he‘s grown as a person.
I have an unusual weekday off, and I‘m starting it with some avocado toast, green tea, and Wil Wheaton. Not bad at all 😉
I got your package today @Hooked_on_books and I squealed out loud when I saw Wil Wheaton‘s book inside! Thank you so much! I was raised a Trekkie, and therefore I have grown into a fantasy and sci-fi geek (heavier on fantasy), and I really like WW. I love most recently his narration on many audiobooks. I‘m excited to read this, but I‘m going to try to wait until I‘ve read the Owl Post... we‘ll see 😜.
As I person with a high degree of job security, I can‘t imagine the life of an actor and the lack of stability that comes along with it. Wil captures that well here. He comes across as down to earth and tending toward depression but a regular guy, though he gets a bit redundant in places. Much of this is from his long-standing blog, wilwheaton.net.
Will Wheaton has had an #Awkward journey finding his identity. Hey, he's a real person! 😺 #FallIntoBooks
#StartsWithJ #SplashIntoSummerReads @Tiffy_Reads
A very honest book about Wil Wheaton's life after Star Trek, his struggles with finances and finding his way back into entertainment.
Jules ~ If you‘re a fan of Wil Wheaton (or just Stewie‘s vocalization from Family Guy), pick this book up. You can find much of it on his website. 3.5⭐️
I've always liked him as an actor, but when I listened to him read 'Ready Player One' for Audible, I was very impressed. I wanted to know more about him. He doesn't disappoint.