I had 4 5✨ Reads this month. Not a bad month in getting some books off my TBR. 🥰
I had 4 5✨ Reads this month. Not a bad month in getting some books off my TBR. 🥰
5✨Ida B had a rocky start to her education and fitting in to school. She then had family challenges that stole all of their joy. It caused more situations to occur to make Ida B not want to coexist and just exist in her life at home and school. Things that made her happy were abruptly stopped by her choice to make a point. I know I‘ve been through similar situations like Ida B‘s that helped me relate to this story. Read for #roll100 for February.
Also I did receive this! @ShelleyBooksie and @DinoMom I think that makes me caught up on book mail and my library/ office is cleaned up! Yay! Thank you so much it‘s so cute I‘m getting it in my next read. 🥰
“But in my head I was thinking this: that if a child waited to speak until all the grownups settled down and gave her some room to say her piece, most important things would never get said.” -Ida B
Encouragement to be mindful of the value in a child‘s words of wisdom.
Mindful of making space for them to share from their integral point of view!
#fallisbooked #apple
It's been a few years since I've read this middle grade book but it still remains one of my favorites.
(PG. 246) This story is about the unfolding experience and transformational value of forgiveness. The process is incredibly powerful, you‘ll know this the entire way through but only at the end will you REALIZE it.
Reading Ida B is a magical gift crafted for your inner child and especially one to share with your children.
Ida B is already (PG.155/246) an all time favorite of mine. I will most certainly be reading it for years to come!! I cannot get enough of this little girl or the soulful messages Katherine Hannigan has surely conjured from her heart, the human spirit, and the world around her. Invaluable wisdom and rich somatic experiences shared beautifully through the character of Ida B and her story.
I am so deeply grateful for this piece of literature.
When I firstread this book as a young girl I loved it for many reasons.Reading it as an adult (and a mother) is even better.I cried like a baby and laughed throughout the wholestory. Reading IdaB‘s thoughts was almost like hearing my innerchild speaking outfrom pages I didn‘t even write! Themost touching parts for me were her interactions with her 4thgrade teachers. I had so many teachers like the character Ms.Washington.Teachers that truly cared.
Just started and I can‘t put it down.
Ida B lives a comfortable, home-schooled life on a farm with lots of land, until her mother starts a battle with cancer.
A sweet little story that does a nice job describing childhood anxieties and coping reactions when a loved one gets sick and life changes.
This book definitely has #ALLTHEFEELS and is one of my absolute favorites. I laughed, I cried and I fell in love with Ida B.
Ida B . . . and Her Plans to Maximize Fun, Avoid Disaster, and (Possibly) Save the World