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Anastasia Krupnik
Anastasia Krupnik | Lois Lowry
17 posts | 33 read | 1 reading | 5 to read
Anastasia's tenth year has some good things, like falling in love and really getting to know her grandmother, and some bad things, like finding out about an impending baby brother.
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Anastasia Krupnik | Lois Lowry
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I recognize this title, but I‘m not sure whether I read it as a kid or not. It‘s not one of the Lowry books I specifically remember. I thought Anastasia‘s “mercurial temperament” and constant lists were wonderfully realistic and relatable, as well as amusing.

#audiobook #MiddleGrade #ChildrensClassicRead2024 #BannedBooks

Daisey I think the curse words were possible reasons for it being banned, which although I felt were used seldom and realistically, were also unnecessary and did surprise me in this middle grade book. I noticed the beer reference but found it minor and didn‘t even catch the reference to Playboy that I saw mentioned as another reason. 4d
megnews One of my absolute favorites as a kid. 4d
willaful @megnews me too. 4d
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Anastasia Krupnik | Lois Lowry
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Anastasia and I have one big thing in common—we‘re both list makers. With her secret notebook, she reminds me a bit of Harriet the Spy.


thegirlwiththelibrarybag Oooh! I remember Anastasia! That‘s reactivated a memory! 4d
LeahBergen I do love a list! 3d
rubyslippersreads @LeahBergen I can‘t function without lists! 😆 3d
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Anastasia Krupnik | Lois Lowry
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Aww, I loved this book! I‘ve never heard of it so thanks for introducing this to me @TheBookHippie 🤗. It would have been fun to read when I was a kid. Anastasia is hilarious and the end was very touching. I‘ll be checking out more in this series. 5⭐️ P.S. Why was it banned? I can‘t figure it out. #ChildrensClassicRead2024 #bannedbooks

TheBookHippie Talk about bathroom and sex 😂😵‍💫🤪 stooopid, I know. 6d
TheBookHippie I loved it so much! 6d
JenlovesJT47 @TheBookHippie really?! 🤦🏻‍♀️ I‘m going to go grab the rest of the series, so fun! 6d
TheBookHippie I put them on hold at the library!! 6d
LiteraryinPA I read all of these books as a kid! Whoa, I haven‘t thought about that in a while! 6d
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Anastasia Krupnik | Lois Lowry
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This definitely has a 1970s-1980s feel to it but in a good way. Anastasia is one of those opinionated child characters that you like but also sometimes wish would just chill out. Overall, this was a fun, quirky story and the parts involving Anastasia's grandmother were especially poignant.
#childrensclassicread2024 @TheBookHippie

TheBookHippie I did adore it so! 1w
Seabreeze_Reader It boggles my mind that this book has frequently been on #bannedbooks lists. I sometimes wonder if school libraries will continue to exist because at some point there won't be any books left that haven't been banned. 1w
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Anastasia Krupnik | Lois Lowry
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The Anastasia books were childhood favorites of mine, so I did an impulse library check-out when I saw this was the #ChildrensClassicRead2024 pick for September! I also realized for the first time that Lois Lowry was the author. 😆 I loved so many of Lowry‘s books as a kid (and still do!), so that checks out, but I can‘t believe I didn‘t make that connection until now! ⤵️

BarbaraJean (Cont‘d) I loved this re-read—it brought back all the reasons I loved Anastasia: her journal, her lists, her relationship with her parents! And there‘s so much more I‘d forgotten that‘s both hilarious (the foray into being a Catholic) and beautiful (the grandmother). A delightful read! 1w
TheBookHippie I loved this read so much!!! I‘m so glad you joined in!! ♥️♥️♥️ 1w
tpixie @BarbaraJean yes!! The Catholic part was funny. And the inner eye and grandma so touching 🩷 1w
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Anastasia Krupnik | Lois Lowry
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I adore Anastasia Krupnik! Her Love and Hate lists are the perfect window into the constantly changing mind and emotions of a 10 year old girl. Reading the lists as an adult, I found them adorable. Reading them as a 10 year old, I would have found them relatable. I also loved the direct way Anastasia‘s parents talked with her about all kinds of topics, answering her questions honestly and appropriately for her age level.

TheBookHippie Oooo your Pantone is so pretty!!! 2w
julieclair @TheBookHippie Thanks! I‘ve read a lot of books recently that had no matches, so I was very happy to find one that had two! 🎨 2w
LeahBergen How did I miss this one as a kid?? 2w
julieclair @LeahBergen I did, too. Although I have an excuse… it wasn‘t published until I was 2 years past the 10-year-old target. 😂 2w
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Anastasia Krupnik | Lois Lowry
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This is an adorable, well written, & timeless classic!!
Thanks @TheBookHippie for another heartwarming #ChildrensClassicRead2024

TheBookHippie Yay!!!!!!! Unreal they ban it alll the time! 2w
tpixie @TheBookHippie Banning is so frustrating 😡🤯 2w
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Anastasia Krupnik | Lois Lowry
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#ChildrensClassicRead2024 I love that feeling when you‘d completely forgotten the existence of a book, but as you read it you realize you remember every word. Except for the fact that this isn‘t my childhood cover, this was a perfect exercise in nostalgia. I find it charming that I haven‘t changed so much that I still think the notebook she keeps and her parents are the coolest things in this book. @TheBookHippie

TheBookHippie I‘m starting it today, I cannot wait!! 2w
BarbaraJean I loved the Anastasia Krupnik books when I was a kid! I may have to add this to my September reads! Also: I only just now realized this was written by Lois Lowry 🤦🏻‍♀️ She‘s a favorite childhood author, so it makes perfect sense, but I‘m not sure how I missed connecting those dots till just now 😁 2w
IndoorDame @BarbaraJean I know, when I borrowed this copy I looked up all the other things she‘d written and was shocked at how many I‘d read over the years having no idea they were connected, and how fantastic she is! 2w
tpixie I loved her evolving lists in her notebook. Her parents were so wonderful, I agree! 2w
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Anastasia Krupnik | Lois Lowry
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September #ChildrensClassicRead2024 Banned Book Month

A much banned book seemed appropriate. I have never read this book before either. According to Banned Library, it‘s been banned because of “a vulgarity for human waste, as well as the use of a slang term for sex.”


GingerAntics Wow, really? What jerks. 4w
Read4life I‘m looking forward to rereading this one. 4w
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TheBookHippie @GingerAntics never ceases to amaze me. 4w
TheBookHippie @Read4life I‘m excited! 4w
IndoorDame I love those books you haven‘t thought about in 20 years! This is going to be so much fun to revisit! 4w
Soscha Okay, but what‘s their banned term for sex? Amorous congress, yentzing, cutting the parsley, bam bam in the ham, sending out for sushi, tossing a hot dog down the hallway, fishing for trout in a peculiar river, bringing an al dente noodle to the spagetti factory, bedroom rodeo, matromonial polka, bumping uglies, Chesterfield rugby, dancing the goat jig, putting Harry‘s wand in the chamber of secrets, taking ole one-eye to the optometrist? 4w
curiouserandcurioser @TheBookHippie looking forward to this!! 4w
tpixie @Soscha 😂 4w
tpixie @TheBookHippie yay! It‘s free with my audible subscription 💚🦚💚 4w
PurpleyPumpkin @Soscha 😂🤣 Hilarious!!! 4w
TheBookHippie @Soscha LOL!!!!!! PROBABLY ALL OF THAT!!! 4w
willaful One of my favorites! 4w
mrp27 I‘m quite familiar with Lowry but I‘ve never read this title. Looking forward to it. 4w
Aimeesue Not human waste! lol! 4w
julieclair I don‘t think I‘ve ever heard of this book! Guess I‘d better read it, especially if it was banned. 😉 3w
JenlovesJT47 I‘ll be jumping in this month, looks fun! Is there a set date or just read it anytime during the month? Thanks! 🤗 1w
TheBookHippie @JenlovesJT47 Nope. We read throughout the month and post our reviews and findings on the book such as movie, articles, etc. using the hashtag #ChildrensClassicRead2024 . 1w
JenlovesJT47 Great, thank you! 1w
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Anastasia Krupnik | Lois Lowry
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Very quick chapter book for middle grade. I enjoyed Anastasia‘s voice and felt she was very real. She interacted with her family in such a way that they took her seriously, which doesn‘t often happen in books. I may have to read another in the series, even though I was just checking this off my #PaperbackCrush list!

Bookwormjillk I wanted her bedroom when I was a kid. 5y
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Anastasia Krupnik | Lois Lowry
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Fantasy books are *obviously * totally magical, but what about stories of relatable kids dealing with relatable things? That‘s what we‘ve got with Lois Lowry‘s 1979 Anastasia Krupnik... but the title character is dealing with those relatable things in hilarious, cheeky, sometimes dramatic style. Coming back to Anastasia‘s story for my podcast brought me right back to childhood! Writer Kayleen Schaefer joins me to discuss. Link to listen in bio! 🎧

Anastasia Krupnik | Lois Lowry
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Anastasia is appalled to learn her family is moving to #thesuburbs. So embarrassing and unoriginal! 😂 I love her. #timbittunes

Bookwormjillk I used to love her! The memories! 6y
ApplesandSpindles Lol! I don't usually associate Lois Lowry with plucky heroines with adorable plots! 6y
TheKidUpstairs Oh my gosh, I'd forgotten about her! 6y
Centique Excellent choice! 6y
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Anastasia Krupnik | Lois Lowry
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#getmovin #thisisme

Finding yourself in fiction is a great feeling when you‘re a kid. I thought I was either Anne of Green Gables or Anastasia Krupnik. Probably Anastasia, I‘m a little more cynical than Anne! #thisisme now, add a side of kids, a fascination with weird and old stuff, and bolshiness dressed permanently in tshirts and jeans. (I won‘t mention books, you know there‘s books!)

merelybookish This is awesome! 6y
BookaholicNatty Sooooooo awesome!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️😍 6y
Blaire Love it!! I also loved Anastasia! 6y
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Centique Thanks guys! She‘s such a great character @merelybookish @BookaholicNatty @Blaire 6y
AlaMich I most definitely know of Lois Lowry but I have never heard of these books. 🤔 6y
Centique @AlaMich oh man you missed out! She was this smart 10yo girl living in NYC, a bit quirky and venting her frustrations. Nice to have a character that wasn‘t always sweet or plucky. 6y
Cinfhen Love this!! 6y
Centique @Cinfhen 😘💕 6y
batsy Love this post! I'm going to have to read this 🙂 6y
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Anastasia Krupnik | Lois Lowry
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Some of my favorite posts involve reliving my childhood reads. This one was extra special, because I had forgotten all about Anastasia. #publishedinthe1970s #jubilantjuly

charissharpe Oh I remember loving the Anastasia books although I now cannot recall them themselves! 7y
L_auren Loved Anastasia, Fudge, and Ramona. Great picks :) 7y
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Anastasia Krupnik | Lois Lowry
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There are so many characters I #lovedatage10. I could have gone with Anne of Green Gables, the girls from the Babysitters Club, Ramona Quimby, anyone from a Judy Blume book. But Anastasia Krupnik doesn't get enough love. So I picked her. #17booklove @jess.how

Born.A.Reader I still have my copy of this and reread it on occasion. Absolutely loved it -and you're right, she doesn't get the credit she deserves! 😊😊 8y
rachellayown I forgot about this book! 8y
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Anastasia Krupnik | Lois Lowry
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Anastasia is the best -- funny, smart, strong, and kind.

#BelovedCharacter #17booklove

abbiereadsbooks I loved those books! 8y
8little_paws Omg I forgot about these! I think I read one or two. 8y
Centique Oh I love Anastasia. Great pick! Got my daughter reading these as well. 8y
saresmoore How have I never heard of these?! Thanks for sharing! 8y
monkeygirlsmama Never heard of these. 8y
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Anastasia Krupnik | Lois Lowry
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Starting to build a library for my daughter of my old favorites. This is the first of many Lois Lowry books I can't wait to add.