- Zen Proverb
#QuotsyMay20 #flower
- Zen Proverb
#QuotsyMay20 #flower
I put this down last year, and picking it up today can feel no joy in it (the author's 'day job' was Crown Prosecutor, instrumental in securing the executions of Ruth Ellis, Derek Bentley and Timothy Evans, all cases now widely seen as controversial and/or miscarriages of justice), so I'm sending it on its way as I have no appetite for it any more. Another book on Zen will, no doubt, comfortably find it's way into my hand at some point.
"The young are advised in my profession to say a thing once to a judge, twice to a bench of magistrates, and three times to a jury. This is often too polite to the judge."
With the name Christmas Humphreys, having been instrumental in introducing a religion of peace and enlightenment to the West, and getting a name-check by Van Morrison, what's not to like about this author?
Well, he was the Crown Prosecutor of Ruth Ellis, Derek Bentley and Timothy Evans, all controversially/wrongly executed when the UK still had the death penalty, and unduly lenient on rapists when he became a High Court Judge, so there's that 🤔
"I went home and read my Christmas Humphreys' book on Zen
Curiosity killed the cat
Kerouac's "Dharma Bums" and "On The Road"."
Book recommendations by Van Morrison from his song "Cleaning Windows". ?
Now I'm going to read *my* Christmas Humphreys' book on zen!