4.6⭐️ Is it corny? Yes. Are there parts that made me cringe? Also yes. Did I love it anyways? A most ardent yes! This series has been so fun, and I can‘t wait to read book four next month.
4.6⭐️ Is it corny? Yes. Are there parts that made me cringe? Also yes. Did I love it anyways? A most ardent yes! This series has been so fun, and I can‘t wait to read book four next month.
This series is a blast to read! So different than her contemporary romances, but it‘s so obviously her writing and I love it.
Cora wakes up in a new world, manages to start a curse within 5 minutes, loses her new found sister and meets the husband that can‘t stand the other her, thus hates her.
Cora is a wonderful woman, the opposite of this new world Cora and manages to get everyone on her side with her sweetness.