A lovely lazy day in Lewes🌞 working through this book & its companion 🌻nature is magical 🐝
A lovely lazy day in Lewes🌞 working through this book & its companion 🌻nature is magical 🐝
My #basicwitch aesthetic- I‘m excited to see more of these this year- hope you will join in! #basicwitchswap what are 5 witchy facts about you?
1. Leo
2. Love candles and crystals and cats
3. Find magick in nature both tamed and untamed
4. Love Tarot! I have several decks and several I wish for
5. I love Baba Yaga, Deméter, Hesta, Artemis, Gaia
A book of shadows from my wife. The photo crops it but behind this is a Bible from my mother from 2009, also green.
This shelf was an impulse buy at GoodWill one day. I went in for one pair of jeans and came out with a bookshelf. My paranormal and sci-fi fit well, along with my anthologies, religion and wicca books. My wife says its the shelf that makes people most confused with a mix of Mormon, Christian and Wiccan books
Went shopping for the #witchpleaseswap and ended up with a #bookhaul for myself