Urgh. Dreadful. Too much plot, and none of the underlying fun/niceness of the original series
Urgh. Dreadful. Too much plot, and none of the underlying fun/niceness of the original series
This book, I thought was not far off from a lot of chick lit – very soap opera-like. I didn‘t like some of the outcomes of the characters I read so much of when I was younger, but I didn‘t think the story was really so terrible (again, in comparison to other chick lit). Though some of the characters really didn‘t seem to have grown up much, I still found it somewhat entertaining, and it was a fast read.
I used to love these books. #quotsynov17 #novel @TK-421
When this book first came out I was so looking forward to it! I grew up devouring the sweet valley books and was super stoked when she released this... However, it was a giant disappointment 😔
@Tiffy_Reads #splashintosummerreads #biggestletdown
#marchintoreading Day 4: #didntlikeitstillfinished
What a steaming pile of 💩- I spent an afternoon at B&N reading this when it came out. And then I promptly bleached it from my memory.
I've seen some pretty dismal reviews for this, but I've wanted to indulge in this guilty pleasure for awhile! I LOVED these books as a kid, I even had the board game! (Also, can you tell my furry kids are feeling a little attention starved?)
I loved this book...but the six novellas that followed are TERRIBLE, so don't bother. Just let this be the end for now, and enjoy that Elizabeth is still Lizzie, and Jessica will never change.
@Jellybeanbon your Sweet Valley High photo made me feel nostalgic. After work, I stopped at a thrift shop (that sells amazing books) and this is the first book I saw. I didn't even know it existed. It apparently takes place 10 years after Sweet Valley High.
When you want to go back and read your Sweet Valley High books #dontjudge