Loved this perspective of history including not only about hawaiian history, but also the mainland west of Wyoming and of course rodeo and cowboys (or paniolo)
Loved this perspective of history including not only about hawaiian history, but also the mainland west of Wyoming and of course rodeo and cowboys (or paniolo)
For #CowboyDay this book has been in my #TBR stack for a while now. Hawaiian cowboys are paniolos & the woven hats they wore are called “papale.” 🌺
This book shared lots of interesting facts and side stories but lacked cohesiveness despite being an audiobook that lasts a mere 6.25 hours.I think it‘s poorly titled as it was almost all backstory…the 1908 Cheyenne Frontier Days competition is barely covered until the last hour or so. This book was more a mix of the history of wild cattle and paniolo in Hawaii, Hawaii‘s annexation, and the history of rodeos and the Cheyenne Frontier Days.
Wolman and Smith look at the Hawaiian cowboys (paniolos) and the American West in this short history. It‘s short, but I struggled through it. It was hard to read about the treatment of animals (though I am not naive and know that these things happened), and I just could not get excited about the overall history explored. Perhaps cowboy history is not for me???
Regardless, if you‘re a fan of cowboy history or pre-state Hawaii, take a look.
While I really enjoyed the first half of the book, which encompasses the early history of cattle ranching in Hawaii, I have to knock off two stars - one for the dry writing style and one for the blasé handling of the really awful animal cruelty, both in the rodeos and just on the ranches themselves.
(quarantine book #69)
When six of your nine library holds come in at once, plus you renew a book due back and find a vegan cookbook you want to look at and you still have a stack of fourteen books at home. 📚📚📚📚📚😬📚📚📚I really didn‘t expect to get so many newer books so fast. I #blameItonLitsy. The🐔🐔are beside themselves.😆
Cowboys in Hawaii are called paniolo and rather than ask #WhereHaveAllTheCowboysGone ? the cowboys & spectators at the 1908 World Rodeo Championships in Cheyenne, WY wondered who are these odd-looking cowboys? The three unknown riders from The Big Island traveled 4000 miles to compete & came home champions. This book is on my #TBR list & I'm waiting on a library hold. 🤠🌺🏆
A fascinating look at the beginning of cattle wrangling in Hawaii and the three cowboys who travelled to Cheyenne, WY to compete in the US‘s most famous rodeo.
This also examined the effects on Hawaii‘s people and culture of colonialism, the overthrow of the monarchy, and the forced annexation by the US.
I really love these bits of history that show me just how little I know about the rest of the world. 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑
1 - 🎧 tagged, but I‘m using my new audible credit to buy Crooked Kingdom first thing tomorrow morning
2 - Daja‘s Book by Tamora Pierce
3 - I don‘t have anything specific in mind, but I‘d want to read a snowy mystery on the beach or an Arctic expedition biography
#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain
If you're looking for some good beach/ vacation reads this summer the last episode of our podcast should have you covered! Or at least give you some good recommendations and a place to start 😂
A fascinating look into the history of Hawaii's cowboys--paniolo--who were roping wild cows long before it became part of life in the American West. The book tells the dual stories of the paniolo& the meteoric rise of Cheyenne's rodeo--& how 3 men from the recently annexed islands, still reeling from their lost independence, took the contest by storm. I wish the book had been more in depth, but otherwise thoroughly enjoyed it& learned quite a bit.
Audio crocheting (plus bubble tea!)
1. Master and Apprentice, Aloha Rodeo, and Love in the Time of Cholera
2. Wilder Girls and Legend of Korra: Ruins of the Empire
3. Spent the morning with my sister!