Book 8 of 2025! I went into this Science Fiction Romance fully expecting it to be the cheesiest thing I‘ve ever read. It definitely was cheesy, but I ended up really enjoying it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Book 8 of 2025! I went into this Science Fiction Romance fully expecting it to be the cheesiest thing I‘ve ever read. It definitely was cheesy, but I ended up really enjoying it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I think this book does what it sets out to do, and certainly it is very popular. I think what I‘m discovering as I‘m exploring the romance genre is that I‘m just not that interested in sex scenes. And this one felt a little light in terms of other plot and characterization to me.
I am finally starting this journey. I hear it‘s fun. #rubydixon #iceplanetbarbarians
#two4tuesday @TheSpineView
1. Absolutely
2. Almost went with Murderbot (who I adore), but these big, blue aliens have been wormed their way into my heart (😉)
This book is literally a guilty pleasure kinda book. I honestly didn‘t think it would be for me (hello alien, Sci-fi erotic romance) and I was sucked in. World building, characters and yes storyline. #romantsy #aprilreadinglist #readingchallenge2022 #100readchallenge
A mug of Muscato, Dark Souls, & an Audiobook. Best way I can think of to kick off the weekend!
What you guys getting up to this weekend?
I have no shame and I read this! Anyhoo, human women are abducted by evil aliens, crash land on an ice planet inhabited by blue-skinned, hunky aliens and a fun adventure is had by all! It's Clan of the Cave Bear in Space in this guilty pleasure, steamy romance.
I was not aware sci fi romance existed. This book was entertaining and I'm not sorry I read it. My only complaint is this cover art...the guy is supposed to have horns and a tail and I don't see that reflected here 😆😆. Annnnnnd I'm just going to admit outright that I went ahead and bought book 2. Amazon is going to catch on and bump up the prices smh
There's like twenty of these books in this series and I have no intention of reading them all but Forever 35 mentioned this book so screw it why not plus it was only 2.99 bonus it's a break from "you must always be good and there's a lesson to be learned here aka Little Women" ?
After hearing all of the hype surrounding this book, I finally had to give it a try. Not a favorite romance, but it was a lot of fun. I found the language barrier and navigation of their different cultures to be entertaining. I will definitely read more of this series. (I've actually already read book 2 🤭). I really enjoyed discovering the world Ruby Dixon is building.
The internet made me do it...
Probably my last read for the year, unless I'm able to squeeze one more in. But this will make my 100th book, completing my Goodreads challenge!
The heroine gave her sexual satisfaction greater priority than the lives of her crew.
How I'm spending my night! Tea flavor is Vanilla Almond from The Republic of Tea!!!!
Enjoying some blue alien smut tonight!
Just realized I forgot to post the great bookmarks I got from the amazing @ShelleyBooksie for the #summerbookmarkswap. Thanks Shelley,I love them 😉😉
Okay, let‘s say that when I started this book I was not expecting to actually enjoy it , except maybe for the steamy bits. I honestly thought it was just going to be a cheesy read with no depth what so ever. It is cheesy, BUT I enjoyed it. I actually became invested in the two main characters & enjoyed the double POVs.
Trigger warning : first section contains sexual violence/rape - only time , the rest of the book is free of it
4 ⭐
Tiktok totally made me read this book. Or in my case listen to it. A ship of women stolen from earth crashlands on an ice planet and they must survive.
over all its standard erotica. The story moves along nicely. The spicy scenes get a bit repetitive, and trigger warning: there are consent issues (as seen above). And at the end there is a bit of family planning issues I am not alright with, but is typical for the genre.