Look what came in the mail yesterday! I‘m looking forward to diving in very soon.
Also, I can‘t believe that this is the last book for #lmpbc #round2 #groupr - time flew by so quickly!
Look what came in the mail yesterday! I‘m looking forward to diving in very soon.
Also, I can‘t believe that this is the last book for #lmpbc #round2 #groupr - time flew by so quickly!
Not sure why this isn‘t in the Litsy database so I added the author. An interesting book about women suddenly attaining the power to electrocute others and how this changes and potentially can break down societal norms and power structures including major religions. I wish it delved a bit deeper into the characters‘s thoughts and plans. But it‘s a good ride nonetheless.
Jennifer L. Amentrout everybody 🤗
I live in Germany so I never thought to meet her EVER !!!! But I did 🎉❤️
She is such a queen 👸🏻
I simply love her books 📚
I can't even 😍
Oh my gosh
1. Favourite artwork in my reading room - the two larger ones were painted by my father in law
2. I've set a target of 30 books for the year, but I'll happily reduce that if I finish my thesis.
3. Glasses
4. Starry night sky over the ocean
5. Done - looking forward to reading The Power.
I had a hard time picking this month, but then I heard all of the hype about The Power and figured I could theme my box by October colors 😂🍁🍂📙🖤🔸⬛️🔶◼️#botm #octoberreads
Auch im 2.Teil dieser Reihe geht es heiss her. Die Erotikpassagen dominieren in der ersten Hälfte. Dabei wird die Sexualität nicht gekonnt eingesetzt, sondern dient eher der Unterhaltung des Lesers. Trotzdem wird die Story konsequent weiter erzählt. Die Figuren werden weiter ausgebaut und die Welt insgesamt wirkt runder.
Mein Fazit: Mein neues Guilty Pleasure! Erotischer als Fifthy Shades of Grey! Freue mich auf den 3.Band.
Am griechischen Meer "Im leuchtenden Sturm" lesen. Passt!
So Ferienlektüre ist bereit. Ich packe meinen Koffer und darin befindet sich "Im leuchtenden Sturm" von Armentrout und "Verfolgung von David Lagercrantz.
Oh Sethie what have you done...
My two favorite demigods finally met! I was soooo excited I couldn't get myself to keep reading which was kind of ruining the moment because I wanted to know how would their first interaction go.
Loved it. Literally read 280 pages in a day because I couldn't put it down.
Have you guys read the new spin off series, The Titan by J L Armentrout? This is the second book, The Power, in which I've heard, Seth is all kinds of delicious. Haven't finished the original series so I have a long way to go before I can read this.
The highly anticipated sequel to The Return! Full of New Adult romance, action and funny filled characters. The Power is a must read!