I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it (some I‘ve had so long I don‘t even remember why!) Feel free to join in!
I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it (some I‘ve had so long I don‘t even remember why!) Feel free to join in!
Yes yes yes!
I was skeptical. The gender roles were dated. But oh man. This book is a naked look at racism. As relevant today as it was seventy years ago. Because attitudes don‘t change unless you break the gentleman‘s agreement of the status quo.
#resist #jew #nyc #racism #bestpicture #femaleauthor #readme #wwii
On paper this book should be a hands down winner for me.
•Set in nyc
•Female author
•Jewish identity as subject matter
•film adaptation won best picture in ‘47
•great copy
The approach to the subject is dated but chugging through.
Were Jews really seen as so different only 90 years ago? Is this what my grandparents lived with?
#jew #wwii #femaleauthor #nyc #readinghistory