But wait...why did this make me cry?! 😭 fourth comic book read as part of the #24in48 readathon and I'm in the homestretch. Wish I had something fluffy left to cheer me up after this volume though...
But wait...why did this make me cry?! 😭 fourth comic book read as part of the #24in48 readathon and I'm in the homestretch. Wish I had something fluffy left to cheer me up after this volume though...
So this run has been great, but this volume kinda pissed me off due to #womeninrefrigerators syndrome. I'm already reading the new, current run of Miles so I know that incident is reversed or never happened in the current timeline, but still. Goddamn Bendis. I'm going to read Vol 5 to finish the run off, but ugh.
#comics #MilesMorales #SpiderMan #boutofbooks