Title: The Hired Girl
Author: Laura Amy Schlitz
Published: September 2015
Genre: Historical Fiction
Awards: Scott O' Dell
Summary: This is a story about a 14 year old girl who runs away from home and gets a job because she wants for herself.
Title: The Hired Girl
Author: Laura Amy Schlitz
Published: September 2015
Genre: Historical Fiction
Awards: Scott O' Dell
Summary: This is a story about a 14 year old girl who runs away from home and gets a job because she wants for herself.
I enjoyed this book. It‘s written as a diary, I thought it was a fun format as the young girl shares her daily life, thoughts and dreams. A sweet story! Side note—I made the bookmark from the “blind date with a book” wrapping 😃 book #1 of 2020 complete 👍🏼
#blinddatewithabook gift from a great friend for my birthday! Historical fiction with humor, anxious to start this one! Thanks Jen 🥰 #bookstagram #grammaslibrary #bookphotography #lauraamyschlitz #thehiredgirl
This is the diary of a young girl who runs away from an abusive home in 1911. When she gets to the big city she lies about her age so that she can get a job as a servant to a wealthy family. There is a lot of talk about religious issues because Joan, the hired girl, is Catholic and the family that takes her in is Jewish. I really appreciated this element in the story because religion wasn‘t a bone of contention and I did learn a lot about both.
I hosted a bridal shower this afternoon. The bride is the eldest child of a good friend. For the last few years I have been sharing my love of books with this family (seven kids who all like/love to read!), giving books for Christmas to each and opening my library for sharing.
During a trivia game about the bride, I found out her two favorite books are A Tree Grows in Brooklyn and The Hired Girl - both from me. I melted.
I wanted to like this much more than I actually did. I enjoyed the early storyline, the escape, but I expected there to be repercussions that never happened. I felt that the religious message of the remainder was pretty heavy-handed, and found the type and quantity of diary writing far-fetched. Cont below *spoilers.
I really liked this book of historical fiction. It was well-written and it read easily. This is a good clean YA book that I would easily pass on to a young teenager. I wasn‘t sure how this could end with everything working out, but it did. The ending was just right!
Found this cute little bookshop while having a day out with the hubby. The Book tagged is on my TBR list now. We bought some books for my little daughter.
Soooo good! And a wonderful ending! Now I want to read all of this author's books.
Why can't I just stay home and read today? I'm less than 100 pages from finished. I suspect it won't be a happy romantic ending, but I'm almost positive it will be a hopeful ending for Joan/Janet.
An enjoyable read, and one that feels a lot like a more dramatic Anne of Green Gables or Little Women.
Romantic Joan who wants to escape her life of drudgery on her family's farm, runs away and become the titular hired girl in a Jewish household in Baltimore. Her love of books leads to a fair amount of trouble, but coupled with her lack of guile also tends to get her out of it. I have to admit, though, I spent a LOT of the book cringing.
Just picked this one up from the library about a girl who leaves her life of drudgery on her family's farm to work as a hired girl in Baltimore. I am enjoying this very much so far.
While visiting with a professor in the English department about a joint presentation we are giving next week for Women's History Month, she gave me this book to read. I had never heard of it, but I love it when I randomly acquire books people think I will like! I 💜my job! #teachersoflitsy
Told through diary entries, The Hired Girl follows Joan, a young Catholic in 1911, as she runs away from her cruel family, makes her way to Baltimore, and becomes a hired girl for a devout Jewish family. An expected amount of hijinks occur, mostly due to clashes of faith. The story also contains a lot of heart and effectively portrays people struggling to stay strong in faith and dignity, while also finding a place in the world.
I loved this book! Thank you @Liberty for picking this as my book. This quote was near the end, and it made me smile. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟#biblioweekend is done for me!
Pretty excited that I'm up next for both of these. The Hired Girl is the book @Liberty picked for me to read! I've also wanted the Lumberjanes forever! Squeeee!!!
I loved this book so muchhhh!!! It reminded me a lot of Anne of Green Gables, but not in a way that made me feel like it was just copying. We feel Janet's (or Joan's XD) emotions and connect with her so well. This made the book heartbreaking but usually uplifting. So many emotions! Read itttt
What a delight! This is a sweet coming of age story set at the turn of the 20th century. Joan runs away from the farm and finds work in the home of a well-to-do Jewish family. She's earnest, hardworking, has a passion for literature and a big heart. Loved it!
Tonight's reading. I'm so excited that YA historical fiction is becoming more of a thing! I've been looking forward to this one for awhile.