I really liked this one. Seeing the family come back together was my favorite part. The beginning did drag a little in my opinion, but other than that it was a quick read.
I really liked this one. Seeing the family come back together was my favorite part. The beginning did drag a little in my opinion, but other than that it was a quick read.
From ok to so-so. After Maddy broke up with her boyfriend and lose her job, she received a call indicating her grandma was missing. She will travel to her grandma‘s beach house with her two other sisters. She didn‘t have communication with them for years. Family drama with a lot of secrets will be revealed during their staying in grandma‘s house. A second chance story for every character. Too repetitive, a little cheesy with religious content. 3⭐️
I almost but not quite completed #FancifulFebruary!! Not sure how I didn't read a single book with a heart on the cover?! Ridiculous! Super fun challenge so thank you @4thhouseontheleft I have a total weakness for reading bingo cards of all kinds!!
A low pick, there were several things that moderately annoyed me about this book (a dog for some reason runs away DURING A HURRICANE?! And then ONE person runs out to look for it... then ONE person goes to look for her... safety in numbers, people! Sheesh) but overall a pretty regular romance.
A sweet story that starts with Gram disappearing and her three granddaughters go to her house to try to figure out where she went. I loved all of the characters! Highly recommend it!
Excited to squeeze in a few pages of this #summer-y story before sleep tonight. #30junebooks
Summer by the Tides is the perfect novel to read on a lazy weekend afternoon. It‘s fun and engaging, the characters are seriously endearing, and the themes are timely. It‘s just an all-around good novel that I highly recommend!
When your favorite author becomes a friend and comes to your library. It makes for a great day!
As the girls wait for news on their Grandmother the girls begin to pack up family belongings and unpack memories of the idyllic summers of their childhood. But the memories also bring up long buried secrets. Maddy soon discovers things were not as she had thought they had been the last summer her family had spent together in Sea Haven.
“Mandy Monroe was cowering behind a ficus tree near the hostess station when her cell phone rang. Her hands shook as she silenced the phone before it drew the attention of the staff.”
A new Denise Hunter is always a treat and Summer by the Tides doesn‘t disappoint! Our leading lady, Maddy, begins the book distraught about a break up with her boyfriend and her week gets worse when her dear grandmother goes missing! [ 400 more words ]