My #bookhaul from Nowhere Bookshop today! It‘s a beautiful new indie in San Antonio, TX with a terrific selection and a friendly helpful staff. I had a great time browsing with @Eyelit and bright home some goodies! ❤️📚
My #bookhaul from Nowhere Bookshop today! It‘s a beautiful new indie in San Antonio, TX with a terrific selection and a friendly helpful staff. I had a great time browsing with @Eyelit and bright home some goodies! ❤️📚
Just finished this book, and I'm a little sad that, after over two months of dragging it out, I'll no longer have these stories of family and fantasy to dip into each night. Alameddine creates a cozy patchwork quilt of story to wrap yourself in. Stories inside of stories inside of stories.
Literature is the most agreeable way of ignoring life.
[quoting Fernando Pessoa in _The Book of Disquiet_]
So Jane Eyre is here for #cursive and #femalehero I think she's tough and relatable I also don't remember where I got this version but I love it! The Hakawati is on my TBR but the cover is so beautiful the picture does not do it justice I hope the inside is just as good 😅 #coverlovers
#AwesomeAutumnBook #AutumnReads #FallIntoBooks
Mathieu: "I moved from Boston to New York. Lit culture is alive and well in Boston, but here I see people more engaged in what they're reading and talking about it. I'm reading The Hakawati with my book club. It's a fantasy novel about a Muslim man who goes back to Beirut to find out about his family. I haven't read any authors from Lebanon before. That's the good thing about books – they're a window into another person's world."
It's been quite a while since I read this, which does feature #magiccarpetride. I liked it a lot, but don't recall too much details now. A family's grandpa, was a hakawati (storyteller), and his old Middle Eastern tales are interwoven in this novel along with stories of this Lebanese family's saga.
An all-time favorite! Alameddine stacks fairytales on top of a Lebanese family drama to create something really magical. Rereading it always makes me want to pull out a copy of The Arabian Nights.
"You should know better by now. The story of who you are is never about you. I'm starting from the beginning."
Some great #storytelling going on in the hakawati. I wish I was better at it.
#DiversityFriday My weekly reminder that you are all amazing. Thank you for being so compassionate and considerate with each other here - it is a wonderful thing to see in such horrible times. Be kind to yourselves, and be excellent to each other. Hugs for everyone. 💕