Nazi expedition to Tibet. Uncomfortable read.
Scientist prostitutes his profession for advancement with the Third Reich. Got it. He‘s an ambitious and unpleasant brute whose “discoveries” underly the racial cleansing policies of Hitler. Quite how the voice of a taxidermed panda aids the plot is beyond me. Not worth finishing.
5 ☆ AMAZING!!! The Hollow Bones is a sinister drama based on one of the Nazi regimes little known villains, zoologist Ernst Schafer. Ernst is sent by Heinrich Himmler to Tibet in search of their ancient warrior race; to prove the Aryan race emerged from a great cosmic battle between fire + ice. This is much MUCH different than any other WWll story I‘ve read. A fascinating story I highly recommend!
#BookMail Pt9 This is a new release by Australian author Kaminsky set in 1938 Berlin. It tells the story of little known Nazi, Ernst Schaffer who was originally tasked to take Himmler to the Tibetan mountains to look for the source of the Aryan race. Celebrated on his return to Germany, his life takes a downturn when his wife flees the regime & he‘s sent to Dachau to film the inhumane experiments done on the poor prisoners.