I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it (some I‘ve had so long I don‘t even remember why!). Feel free to join in!
I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it (some I‘ve had so long I don‘t even remember why!). Feel free to join in!
My thrift shop book finds this week. Phillip Margolin was a favorite of mine way back when all I read was mystery so it‘ll be fun to revisit his writing and see how his writing still holds up. The rest just seemed like fun, interesting reads and with a 3 day weekend and typhoon warnings shutting everything down around me, shall provide me some entertainment.
Highly recommend. This story begins with murders and an assault. The living victim escaped from her attacker. She is a teenager who is a star soccer player. After the incident she changes schools. The story branches in many directions and the twist will surprise you.