Sorry for the photo quality, I‘m on the bus. This is an upsetting read and that circled quote is 🔥. This is an important read for anyone on social media, particularly women (I think).
Sorry for the photo quality, I‘m on the bus. This is an upsetting read and that circled quote is 🔥. This is an important read for anyone on social media, particularly women (I think).
These are Wired Magazine‘s 14 best reads for summer 2019 — there are some great ones here! The #TBR grows! https://apple.news/AEssJhMjBSXmhe8VcyW22WA
I‘m divided between wanting to delete all social media and refusing to back down to bullies. An important book. #books #reading #bookstagram #aussieapril #libraries #audiobooks
I would recommend this book highly. Writing it took a toll on the author but I‘m very glad she researched and wrote it. Enlightening and frightening. It could happen to any of us. However if you are high profile person it‘s highly likely to happen to you. This book proved to me that a troll is not always some odd lonely person but they could be that person you work with, your neighbour . Scary.
Could the answer to trolling be parenting? Perhaps. Supervising what and when your kids are online is getting harder and harder I‘m thinking, but I know some parents are having a good go at it.
Scary book. I never thought this was such a problem. I‘m half way through and becoming educated in some disturbing activities . So happy that Litsy , for me anyway, has been positive .😍.