Book 5 for #24in48 and almost 9 hours
Book 5 for #24in48 and almost 9 hours
So Parker isn't the stereotypical blind girl. Awesome. She doesn't like "charity" Okay, but if someone offers to help you you shouldn't be so eager to prove them wrong. Maybe it's different for fully blind people vs visually impaired people.
In Braille it says "seeing is not believeing" then for each chapter there is also Braille above it. Really cool cover, and, the Braille is tactical. (I don't need to feel it to know what it says)
When I'm sad I watch "What Would You Do?"
It makes me cry. From happiness and sadness. But sometimes you just gotta cry it out.
This show gives me so much faith in people. It makes me a lot less terrified of the world we live in.
I don't know if I'll even read tonight. This show is exactly what I need right now.
?"Parker Grant doesn't need 20/20 vision to see right through you."?
*waves hands* Hello! Instagram's algorithm is awful right now, so I thought I might try this thing out. I'm not going to leave bookstagram, this is just something new.
#bookworm #bibliophile
So I read this book earlier in the year and I really enjoyed it, however some parts really ruined the book for me. It was mostly just that the main character is really horrible to her friends which I just couldn't understand or relate too at all.
However, the story is cute and I loved how the main character changes towards the end because it really improved the story
So, heres the thing... first I was confused because theres a lot going on, but as I settled in with Parker I began to fall in love with the honest and genuine story of life, love, relationships, and heart break; and even the stupid moments, too... its a lot to take in, but trust me: you will not regret one minute!
I loved reading Parker Grant's story, and I like where it ended, but I so wish there was more! 💯🥰✌🏻
Today I am a hospital waiting room bookworm~ 😷🏥✌🏻
It took a while to decide, but thanks to Novl, here is the next book I plan to read! Not If I See You First by Eric Lindstrom 👓🕶 So far its a great read... and I'm only on Chapter one! 👍🏻
I would like to start interacting more here on Litsy, though I'm not the bookworm I used to be, I will definitely try my best! 💕✌🏻
A high school story featuring a main character who just so happens to have a disability, but is in now way held back by it, we need more of this kind of story on our shelves!
This book is brilliant so far! Parker is fantastic!
#reading #youngadult #ya #contemporary #romance #realisticfiction #brilliant #fantastic
I thought this was a great YA read! Really liked the main character, in all her flaws. I appreciate so much when a character isn't perfect. Makes them more real.
I'm not crying you're crying! I read this book in one go and how could you not? Parker was love-able, stubborn, and so truthful it could hurt and I loved it. The pain was worth it and I am extremely glad I read this book.
This book probably isn't one I would have picked out myself, but I got it a while back in my Uppercase Box sub. I enjoyed it, good read from an author new to YA 👍🏼