Here we go.....
Just a few pages in and absolutely loving this book. So whimsical! What an enjoyable read so far.
Why do I force myself to finish a book I wasn‘t enjoying? I am torn. I feel once I start, I am committed to a book and I want to finish it. On the other hand, I have never disliked a book and then in the end thought to myself “I am so glad I pushed through that, it was so worth it!” Any thoughts?
You know that feeling when you think you are being watched? 😹
Woo hoo!!! My weekend page turner! 📖
I can never just read in peace!! Lucky for Kitty, he is cute and adorable and I put up with the cuddling. 😜
Such a rare occurrence that I can chill and read on a weekday. I'm loving it!!
Looking through my shelves for the next book to read and came across this. Yay or Nay?
I just flew through the first fifty pages! This is definitely my type of book. I'm hoping to squeeze in a few more pages before Sunday errands take over. 😃
Can't help but go down nostalgia lane on this rainy evening ☔️
The cover of this book is gorgeous and I feel the story is just as beautiful. E- book on my phone. I look forward to get stuck in line as I run errands so I can squeeze in a few pages. 🌺🌸🌷
With the recent events that have transpired, I couldn't help but read this a be filled with so many emotions. These words gripped my heart and left me short of breath. God Bless America and may we kind and understanding of each other. 🇺🇸
Got up early and started reading this while in line to vote. Unlike the book, today will be a great day. Girl power! 👊🏻🇺🇸💪🏼
I just couldn't do it. I had a hundred pages left and I didn't care. I love fantasy and sci-fi novels but this one missed the mark for me. It started out great, almost like a Braveheart story but then shifted into a completely different book.
It is a rule that one must read the book before viewing the film. In this case I better hurry...😜
Judge me all you want. I squealed opening this package! 🍂🍁🌾
Can't.....Stop......Listening....So......Freaking....Good 😁
I can't stop listening....so good. So interesting! 🌟😁🌟
It has been awhile since I have read a book by David Sedaris. I look forward to spend some time with you...
My friend mailed this to me all the way from Thailand! Since she made a point to send me this book from so far away, it must be good. Starting this in 3...2...1...
Love this! Let's start a petition and make this happen! 😜
Thrift store find! My first Mary Roach book and I am already loving it. So weird, random, awesome and fascinating!
"The way I see it, being dead is not terribly far off from being on a cruise ship. Most of your time is spent lying on your back. The brain has shut down. The flesh begins to soften. Nothing much new happens, and nothing is expected of you."
Ek! Look what I got in the mail! This is my first month! I'm so stoked! 🤓
Finally signed up for Audible and this was my first book I just downloaded. How is it possible that I am 31 years old and I am just starting this?!? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE?!?
"Everyone has human heads in their closet. Sometimes the heads are secrets, or unsaid confessions, or quiet fears. This book is one of those severed heads. You are holding my severed head in your hands. This is a bad analogy but in my defense, I did tell you to stop."